I then headed to the empty bedroom.

The soldier was smart.

The windows in the room were too big for him to sleep in there.

He could be easily be seen.

Especially without a curtain.

Nothing there.

I was beginning to give up hope when I heard a hollow creak from the dark wooden floor.

The complex was old but not like this.

I bent down making sure to look over at James and confirm that he was still sleeping.

I pushed the door so it was slightly ajar.

Turning my attention back to the floor I found the entry point before lifting it.

There was a backpack inside.

I pulled it out and noiselessly unzipped it.

There was a knife, a switchblade, some clothes and a notebook.

I grabbed the notebook and stuffed the bag back into the floor just in case.

I stepped into the bathroom and sat down to read.

There were millions of dribbles.

It was hard to understand.

I finally got a full name.

James Buchanan Barnes "Bucky"

I smiled. Bucky huh?

I read on.

There was this sort of summary.

James visited the captain America exhibit where he learned about.....himself.

And his long lost best friend Steve Rogers?

Oh this was juicy.

I wondered if captain America knew his best friend was an assassin.

Cap isn't squeaky clean. No one is.

He probably knows.

I continued to read the little blurbs that have been written down and tried to make sense of it.

I couldn't.

It's like he was afraid of this book being found so he kept certain secrets from it.

I cracked open the door and glanced at "Bucky".

Still sleeping.

I quickly slipped the journal back and climbed back in bed.

I turned to face the wall as I smiled diabolically.

This might be easier than I thought.

I'd have to call Pierce in the morning and relay the information.

I closed my eyes feeling confident and proud of myself even though the mission wasn't done.

It's nowhere near done.

But I am making fast progress.

Soon enough I'd be home with my sisters and dad enjoying my promotion and never having to track down these low lives again.

I would be free.


The sun coming through the windows as it reached overhead was shinning directly in my eyes.

I squinted and sat up and out of the sunlight before opening my eyes.

After I adjusted I realized that the room was empty.

So was the bathroom.

I got up and headed to the deserted bedroom the door was closed.

I knocked.

"Yeah." James' husky voice answered.

"James? What are you doing?"

"I-I'm uh im just mediating."

I rolled my eyes.

Mediating my ass.

"Oh okay. Cool."

I walked away and grabbed my phone I headed outside onto the fire escape before calling Alexander.

"Good morning Mr. Pierce."

"Ah. Rhea. What a pleasure."

"I've got him. Well no. I haven't got him, got him but I'm here with him." I lowered my voice to whisper.

No doubt the super soldier has advanced hearing.

"Haven't found much. Nothing I'm sure you don't already know. Him and Rogers are closer than they seem. Why didn't you put that in the file?"

I could hear the shrug in his voice,"Well, I know you and Rogers have worked together before. He seems to like you. I figured you felt the same. I didn't want it to compromise the mission."

"It's purely an acquaintanceship Pierce. You know I'm serious about my work. Cap must be looking for him. What do you think my chances are if I come out and say I'm a friend of Rogers and we want to protect him?"

"Does he trust you?"

"No I don't think so." I responded truthfully.

"It's too soon. I don't want you to rush this if it will screw it up. I need this soldier."

"Yes sir. I'll do my best."

"You always do." He responded before the line went dead.

I turned to go back inside as I watched Bucky come out of the bedroom.

I slipped in through the window.

"What are you doing out on the escape? It's dangerous out there." He chastised.

"Just making a phone call." I paused,"I really want to thank you for letting me stay here. It's beyond generous. Like really."

He shrugged,"I couldn't let you sleep on the streets."

"Well that was actually my roommate back home. My ex is back in town. I'm safe now. I can leave." I thought for a second. "Let me thank you. I have a spare bed in my hotel room. You don't have to say yes but it beats sleeping on an old mattress on the floor. I have tv and a shower with actual hot water. There's a phone, a working kitchen and..."I drifted off not knowing if he would take the offer.

He smiled at me,"Sure."

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, life is kicking my butt. Also I know the book is chronologically out of order according to the movie so just ignore it as best you can. Thanks!

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