You're at his wedding but love him~Josh

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You didn't want to have contact with other guests because they only swarmed about how sweet Josh and Debby were together. Your mobile phone lighted up and you saw a message from your best friend. Of course, you wrote her back and noticed that someone sat next to you. You looked up and saw Josh looking at you with a smile on his face. "Are you okay?" You have three options to respond to this question. The first would be to say that you were all right. The second would be to say that everything sucks and you aren't good at all and the third would be to say that you were just tired, you chose the first and third option.

"I'm all right. I'm just a little tired from the flight yesterday." you were lying and looked him in his beautiful brown eyes. "I'm really delighted and i really appreciate that you came today." he confessed and looked around him. "Is everything good with you?" you asked him which made him laugh slightly. "It's just all a bit stressful but it isn't that bad." he confessed and looked at you again. You couldn't do this any longer, you wanted to confess how you feel about him and finally had a bit confidence but you were unsure about doing that. He clearly married today and you couldn't risk your friendship, but you can't do it anymore.

"Josh, I..." but you were interrupted by a guy who suddenly came outside. "Hey Josh, Debby is looking for you." Josh looked from the guy to you with an apologetic look. "I'm right back." he promised before he went back in with the guy. "It worked great." you were mumbling to yourself and sighed. Almost two hours you sat out here now and were waiting for Josh to finally come back like he had promised, but he had broken his promise. It was already late and you wanted to go, so you went back in to the hall and saw Debby with her friends talking. You went over to her and thanked her for everything. You wanted to thank Josh also, but he wasn't anywhere so you told Debby to tell him thank you for everything. You made yourself on the way out and when you were finally out you got tears in your eyes and wanted to cry in your bed.

You didn't have a car here, so you had to call a taxi. You got out your phone and pressed your coat even more closely to your body. "You already go?" said a voice behind you. You turned around to see Josh a few meters away from you and he was coming to you. You were mumbling "Yes, it's already late..." before you turned back to the front and discreetly wiped your tears away. "Is everything alright?" Josh was now directly behind you and turned you around to him. He looked worried in your eyes but you didn't look at him and avoid his gaze. "To be honest no." you were whispering and wiped away more tears. "Tell me what's going on." he putted his hand on your arm, rubbing gently about it, but you turned your body away so that he couldn't do it any longer.

"It doesn't matter, it's too late. There is one thing with which I must live now and you couldn't change anything about it..." Josh looked empathetic at you. "It's certainly not too late and certainly something that could be changed. You need to consider: do you really want to spend the rest of your life with this thing? I advise you to do everything to prevent this thing that makes you seem very unhappy." You forced yourself to look at him and he wiped a few tears lovingly from your face. "Do you really want to know what's bothering me?" your voice was shaky, Josh nodded. "I want to know about everything." he insured you and you were trying to find a beginning like before or at all for the first time, one way to tell him.

"I have for a really long time feelings for my best friend. At first I thought it was just a phase, but the feelings were getting stronger and stronger. He's the most wonderful man I've ever seen. He makes the best jokes and you can always have fun with him. He's a great listener or consultant and is always there for me when I need him. In addition, he's the most beautiful man in the world in my eyes. His brown eyes are incredibly beautiful and I could look for hours into them. He has the most beautiful and most wonderful smile and laughter which I have ever seen and heard. He's in my eyes perfect but I had never dared to confess my feelings to him. Now he has married another woman and I could do nothing than to watch it happen, because I know that he hasn't got the same feelings and he deserves it to be happy and marry the girl that he truly loves. Actually, I didn't want to put the friendship on the game but now I realize that it would be better to have no contact with him, so it wouldn't make things worse for him, because he can't really need this at the moment..." were you mumbling the last part and looked at him with tears in your eyes. Josh looked at you incredulously, he couldn't bring out a word.

"I should be going now... Goodbye Josh." you whispered the last part before you went away. Just before you turned into the corner you heard: "(Y/N)! Wait!" but you hadn't turned around. It was better for the both of you. Josh had written you many messages but you hadn't read them. After a few weeks you got the information from your best friend that Josh somehow broke up with Debby, but you didn't want to ask about more information. Of course, you had asked yourself why he had done something like that but you knew that it was better when you not thought about it.

After a few days you got a message that got your attention:

Hey (Y/N),
Do you have time? I want to see you again and wanted to ask if we could meet. It would make me happy.

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