Chapter 20-"Tyler Kian Irwin and Ava Rose Irwin."

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"Jamie and his friends beat me up." She cried, Michael hugged her and I could tell he was mad.

"Come on, lets get you cleaned up, Lily have you got any spare clothes?" Michael asked, I nodded and headed upstairs, I grabbed some jeans and a long sleeved black jumper, I walked downstairs and passed them to her. Michael carried her to the bathroom. Poor girl. I went upstairs and changed into black jeans, a cream jumper with a black heart, a black beanie and black knee high converse.

Michael's P.O.V

I carried Kerri into the bathroom, I sat her on the counter and locked the door.

"What happened?" I asked her gently, my fingers stroking her cheek.

"I got into the house and Jamie was home, he was drunk with Andy, Liam and Keaton. I tried to go upstairs but Jamie was showing off, he started hitting me and I tried to fight back but it didn't work and I somehow ran out and made it here." She mumbled, I nodded and lifted her head up, her red dyed hair was shiny and her brown eyed had red rings around them. Her lips were the usual red and I had an overwhelming temptation to kiss her. We went on a date once, nothing happened, the next day, she told me she had a boyfriend but would love to be a friend of mine, I'm friend zoned and it sucks. She's beautiful and I just wish she would like me back.

"I'm sorry, I'm dumping all my problems on you." She muttered.

"I don't mind, I just want you happy, I'm always here." I told her, she nodded ad I smiled.

"I'm going to break up with him." She told me.

"I think it's for the best." I told her, she nodded, maybe now we can be a thing?

"I like someone else anyway." She muttered, my heart sank. Of course and I bet he's 100x better than me.

"Wanna go to the cinema?" I asked her.

"Yeah, do you have any make up?" She asked.

"You don't need any." I replied before letting her get dressed. I booked the cinema to watch  Frozen...again. She walked out with no make up and my heart started beating faster.

I think I'm falling.

No one's P.O.V

Lily sat in between two broken boys. One hurting because of heartache and the other hurting because of a numb feeling. Lily was trying her hardest to make them better but feared she may never succeed.

"Do you want something to eat?" Lily asked them.

"Yeah please." Ashton replied, Luke shook his head, She nodded and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, can I order a pizza please?" Lily asked into the phone. 

Lily's P.O.V

The door went and I went to get it, I could smell the pizza as soon as I opened the door. I smiled and looked at the pizza guy, my mouth fell to a frown.

"Hey Lily." His voice ran right through.

"Hi Alec. How many jobs do you have, cause I've seen you in like 2?" I asked him.

"4. I'm getting married soon so...yeah." He smiled.

"Do you...her too?" I asked suddenly.

"No. I'm getting help, I truly am sorry about that, If I could go back and change anything, that would be the only and first thing I'd change." He told me.

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