Chapter Twenty

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Aiden stared at that impressive chest—it was broad, hard and covered in a dusting of hair that felt like heaven beneath Aiden's palms.

He might as well have died and gone to heaven with the way his body seemed to be floating right up off the bed. He could feel Nick's body above him, his heavy arousal pressing hard against his thigh. Nick's lips found his again and the heat that Aiden felt sent his body even higher.

Nick's fingers began undoing the buttons on Aiden's shirt and then Aiden forgot how to breathe as Nick's mouth moved lower. His lips grazed over Aiden's chest and caused his heart to thunder so loudly he was sure Nick would feel it pulsing against his tongue.

Aiden was lost. He wanted more... more of Nick. He reached down and fumbled with the button on Nick's trousers. He wanted to caress that arousal against his palm without those stupid pants serving as a barrier.

"Oh my gracious! I'm so sorry!" Susie's voice filled the room and then the door,(which Aiden had not heard being opened), was slammed closed.

Nick leapt away from Aiden and quickly buttoned his pants. Aiden glanced out the window and realized that somehow they had missed the dawn lost in their kisses and the sun was now painting the skies with brilliant oranges, pinks and purples.

The beauty was lost on Aiden who simply grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his entire body, burying even his head deep beneath and curling into a ball. "Well we're goners now," he mumbled.

"She should have knocked," Nick grumbled.

"For all we know she could have! I didn't even hear the door open with you kissing and touching me that way!"

Aiden tried to hold tight to the blanket but it was yanked off of him as the bed dipped and he found himself staring into Nick's gray eyes, "I was enjoying myself—you know-- until she interrupted."

"I was too.." Aiden admitted, though his voice was little more than a squeak. Susie had seen them! Of all people it had to be church going Susie! They'd be run off the ranch and out of Bakerstown before noon and that was for sure!

"Aiden, I think we should talk about you and I—"

"Can this wait?!" Aiden demanded as he stood from the bed and began to button his shirt with his shaking hands, "I was terrified to face everyone before we got walked in on and now.... "

Nick sighed and his shoulders sagged as he stood, "Okay it can wait but not for long. I want to have this talk with you soon."

"We'll have all the time in the world once they run us off," Aiden mumbled.

"I think you're worrying too much," Nick assured him. "They know we're together and didn't run us off last night."

"That was before Susie walked in and caught doing.. well..." Aiden's face flamed again and he threw himself down in the bed.

"I have chores to be getting to. Do you think you'll be coming out anytime soon?" Nick asked with exasperation in his voice.

"Nope. Never. I'm going to curl up in a ball right here on this bed and die."

"Okay then. I'll see you whenever you decide to pull your head out of the sand," Aiden watched Nick put on his hat, boots and gun belt and then walked out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Aiden had never been so embarrassed in all his life and he had no idea how he was going to face everyone... And poor Susie! The woman was probably disgusted and sickened to her very core by what she'd witnessed.

Breaking Boundaries (5th in Breaking Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz