I Hate Being Sick Continued

Start from the beginning

I shook my head. "No Kanan. I'm fine. I don't need any help," I insisted.

So you know how I said not to tell them that we're sick? Well, we epically failed at that. So now I'm gonna tell you something different. We have no idea what is happening. This morning it was excessive puking with a high fever and now we can't feel our legs. Open up to Kanan so he can help.

This morning you forbid me from asking them for any help and now you want me to?

This may come as a shock to you but we have been known to be wrong in the past.

"Jazzmin!" Kanan shook me lightly.

I came back to reality. "What?!" I asked confused.

"Open. Your. Side. Of the. Bond. Now."

I did and as soon as I did Kanan's eyes widened and Hera grabbed him as his knees started to collapse from under him. "Karabast!" he cursed.

"Kanan! What's going on?!" Hera demanded.

Wow. Didn't know she could be so demanding.

Please go away.

See ya! Talk to you when we don't feel like we're dying from sleeping limbs.

Kanan let out a deep breath as he sat down next to me.

"I can't be sure but... I think, somehow, Jazzmin caught a type of Force sickness."

"Which means....?" Hera said making a gesture for him to elaborate.

"Long before the Clone Wars, there was a man called Bear. He hated the Jedi and wanted to wipe them from existence. So he created a virus that only affects force users. He called it Anthrax. Basically, what it does is break off our connection to the flowing Force. The Force is what gives us our abilities. The flowing Force is like blood. We need it to live. And it is extremely contagious.

"So if Jazzmin has this. Then, that means you can get it too?" Sabine asked as she walked in and set a medicine bottle in front of me.

"Yeah...I think I already have it," Kanan said gravely.

"Mmmragg," I grumbled as my lower back and stomach went numb.

I felt Kanan's hand rub my back gently. That feels good...

"So how do we get rid of this Anthrax?" Zeb asked walking in from the kitchen.

"After the Anthrax spread galaxy wide the M.S.J., that was the Medical Staff of the Jedi, they umm they..." Kanan started to stumble on his words.

I looked over at him and saw the same dark rings, that were under my eyes, beginning to form under his eyes.

I nudged his arm.

"Sorry, umm what was I saying?" Kanan said looking extremely confused.

Hera sighed. "Nothing Dear. Zeb help me get them to the med-bay. Sabine go clean the kitchen please." She watched as Zeb helped Kanan to his feet. Kanan had to lean on him to keep his balance.

"But I already cleaned the kitchen," Zeb whined keeping Kanan upright.

"Your clean and my clean are extremely different, big guy," Sabine said patting his shoulder and heading towards the kitchen.

Hera's POV

I kneeled down to the sick girl's level and soothingly rubbed her back. "Come on Jazzmin, we need to get you to the med-bay," I said my voice as smooth as silk.

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