The Dream

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Kanan's POV

Fear. Hatred. Anger. Depression. It is literally radiating off of everyone and everything in the Ghost. It is bouncing off of every living thing it comes in contact with leaving them sad and depressed. There is only one keeper to this darkness.


My Jazzmin. Who was once my sweet, kind hearted padawan, is now quiet and withdrawn. She hasn't eaten in days and won't come out of her room. Sabine has had to sleep in the med-bay because Jazzmin has locked her out of their room. I sat on my bed with my head in my hands, in pain.

Curse this migraine...

All of this darkness and depression is causing this migraine, which is killing me. Finally, I decided it was time to go and talk to Jazzmin. But, it won't be like all of the other times where I would knock and ask if she's okay and when she doesn't answer so I walk away. No. She's in trouble and I can feel it. I have to help her.

As I stand up to leave a wave of dizziness washes over me from getting up too fast. After I leave my room I head down the hall to Jazzmin's room. As I come to her door all of the dark energy was pretty much pushing me back. Of course, only Force sensitive beings could feel it.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. Nothing. I sigh and say "Jazzmin, it's Kanan. Please, I know you're in there, let me in." hopefully soft enough for her to hear. After a few minutes of silence, I reach for the decoder in my pocket and swipe it. The door slides open and fills the room with light. I step inside and the door closes behind me and the darkness returns. I turn the light on and look around for Jazzmin.

I find her standing in the corner staring at the wall. "Jazzmin?" I ask and touch her shoulder. Suddenly she spins around and stares at me with YELLOW eyes! She turned?!

That's why there's so much dark energy!!!

She smirks evilly and chuckles. "Wow, you're really surprised that I turned to the dark side? I would say that it was obvious by the special...event that happened." She said placing her hands behind her back. "What event?" I asked determined to get answers. "Oh, you didn't hear? My parents were murdered a few days ago. You know back when I fought for the weak. But this is better than fighting for the weak. I FIGHT FOR THE POWERFUL NOW!" she yelled. Her hands now held a black, single blade lightsaber handle that ignited to a red blade.


"Come on Jazzmin, I don't want to hurt you," I said igniting my lightsaber. She frowned. "You won't have to." She swung her blade with such force that I almost dropped my blade blocking the would have been fatal hit. I quickly kicked her in the stomach knocking her back.

"Don't get cocky! I know everything you taught me!" She said after doing a small backflip and grabbing a blaster from her belt. I blocked the shots and used the Force to throw the blaster to the wall. "True. But that doesn't mean I taught you everything I know!" I said stabbing my blade through her stomach.

Jazzmin's POV: Kanan's room 06:30

"NO!" I yelled as I jolted awake hitting my head on the ceiling. On instinct, my hand flew to my head to check for blood. There was none. I bent down to check and see if I had woke Kanan. Luckily it didn't look like I had.

I laid back down and tried to even out my breathing.

It was just a dream Jazzmin. I thought to myself. Nothing but a dream. You didn't turn and Kanan didn't have to- KARABAST!

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