I Hate Being Sick

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A/N: Fresher=bathroom


My thoughts were cut off by me jumping out of bed and bolting for the fresher. When I got there I used the Force to open the door and turn on the blinding lights. I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and basically puked my guts out. After letting out last nights dinner and this morning's midnight snack I kept on puking bile.

Great! I'm sick.

I stayed bent over the toilet for another five minutes. After the puking stopped because I was too shaky to stand. When I was finally able to stand without feeling like I was going to toss cookies again, I fumbled through the medicine drawer next to the toilet and found the thermometer. I stuck it under my tongue and waited for it to beep. While waiting I caught a glimpse of my reflection.

Karabast, I really look sick. There's no way I'll be able to hide this from Kanan. Let alone the rest of the crew.

My face was pale, my eyes looked sunken in with dark rings under them and my hair was damp with sweat.

Huh, the dark rings under your eyes look kind of cool. Wonder, if we turned to the dark side if we'd get those weird marking like the Inquisitor's?

SHUT UP! Don't think like that!

What? They do look cool!

Stop talking about it!

Make me!

While I was arguing with myself the beep of the thermometer snapped me back to reality. I took it out of my mouth and read what it said.

105. Karabast!

I flushed the puke filled toilet and put the thermometer away. I washed my face and my mouth. Washing my face didn't help with the appearance but the cold water felt great on my burning skin.

As I closed the drawer, I noticed a very colorful box. Taped to the box was a label with bold gold letters that read: SABINE'S! DON'T TOUCH!!

So naturally, I opened it out of curiosity. All I found was her makeup. I dug through her makeup box and found a bottle with tan liquid in it.

What's this?

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's what she puts on her face to cover up imperfections.

What imperfections? Hey, we could use some to cover up the dark rings around our eyes. All we would have to do is act like our normal selves and the crew wouldn't even suspect us being sick.

Why don't we want the crew to know we're sick?

Ummm hello? Has being around them made you soft or something?! If they know we're sick then they know that we can be weak. I've sat back and watched as you and Kanan talked about your weaknesses and didn't do or say anything about it because he's necessary to become a Jedi. Without him, we're screwed! But the day I let us show the entire crew that Jazzmin Hurteau is not as invincible as they think she is, is the day that Mustafar turns as cold as Hoth.

Okay, okay. Calm down we won't tell them. We can TRUST them you know. It's not like we're on the streets anymore. We CAN trust again. I debated with myself as I put the cool liquid under my eyes.

Are you sure? I mean, of course, we can trust them but how long do you think it would take before some sort of disaster happens and we're back out on the street again? It may sound harsh but if that happens we need to remember how to survive on our own...which means not showing weakness.

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