"Hey Alyce you look amazing"

"Thank you so do you and so does Kate"

"Thank you"

We were sitting at our table talking laughing enjoying everybody when my song came on.

"Let's dance"

We got up dancing song after song until it got to a slow song and Micah and Kate started dancing so I took the time to go to the bathroom. When I came out Derek was leaning on the wall across the hall. I looked at him and started walking back to the music. He walked in front of me and stuck out his hand smiling with his grills in.

"I'm Derek or if you'll like Papi"

"I'm Alyce"

I shook his hand smiling weirdly at him looking at his lips I couldn't get over how fine he looked.

"So do I know you from somewhere?"

"No I don't think so"

"Oh well I've been watching you all night and finically got the courage to come talk to you"

"Honesty I like it so do you want to dance?"

"I would love to"

We walked back where everyone one was at and started dancing just having a good time. I saw Derek's ex Janet walking towards me with steam coming out her head. I looked at Derek and he rolled his eyes still looking at her.

"What do you want?"

"Who is this Derek we're supposed to be here together?"

"No idea where you got that idea from?"

"That doesn't matter I just want to know who this bitch is"

She looked at me and I'm staring her straight in the eyes no fear at all. I'm a few inches taller than her so I sort of looking down. She looks a bit scared I rolled my eyes thinking she wasn't going to do anything. She slapped me making it echo over the music everybody head turned and they looked over. The dj stopped the music my head was turned from where she slapped me.

"That's for dancing with my man"

Before I could think of anything to say I punched her in her nose breaking it Derek looked at me smiling. Nobody knows I take boxing I wasn't expecting to do that but my instincts got the best of me. Derek grabbing my hand talking us up the stairs to the roof. He grabbed both my hand putting the one that I punched Janet with to his lips and kissed it. I looked at my hand seeing it was bleeding a little nothing that can't be fixed.

"You actually punched her? I wish someone would have done that years ago she definitely deserve it"

"Yes she does she's been asking for it all year"

"So you do to this school?"

"Yes Derek"

"So let's slow dance then we can go"

"There's no music"

"Well I have my phone what do you want to listen to"

Daddy Luh Dirty/Cute Interracial ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now