Blossoming Love (One-Shot)

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What a book worm.

He push me aside. "What the hell was that for!" I yell.

" Puddle " he say and I look back. I couldve stepped into a puddle.

I look at him. "Thanks" i say.

"I didnt want to get splashed"

This guy. I definitely hate him.

"Tell me about the book" i tell him.


"Come on! Im bored!"

"Its a magic book" he tell me "Its like my book. It writes itself using the person reading's emotion and situation."

"Cool! I wanna try!" I say and reach out for the book but he back away.

"Dont touch it. Its mine"

"Stop being a kid! I just wanna see!"

"Its precious to me so no"

"Whatever" i say and hear a cry. I stop and listen.

"What is it?" He ask.

"Sh" i say.

Someones crying for help.

I follow the voice with the jerk face following me.

A boy in the water drowning.

Hes too young. Why wasnt anyone watching him!

"Jerk face help him!" I shout.

"Say my name first" he tell me.

"Hurry up and save the kid!"


I glare at him. "Ill go then"

I take a step forward and he pull me back then jump into the water.

As he jump into the water the flower im his pocket flew out. I reach for it and land safely.


He save the kid and got out of the water. The kid begin to cry uncontrollably. "Im sorry" he cry.

I smile watching the jerk face try to comfort the kid.

I then see his precious book that he wont let me see floating in the water near me.

What harm can it be? I wont touch the water if I only touch the book.

I reach for the book and grab hold of it. The water however, had other plans.

The book is forcibly pulled away and I fall into the water.

Well great.

Dad and mom isnt here to save me.

I try to swim up but my body is getting heavier and heavier.

I hold tightly onto the book and close my eyes.

"You idiot" i hear him chuckling.

When I wake up from the darkness I see the jack ass next to me and reading his book.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"My place" he answer "My room"

Im in his bed? I look around. Ive been in here too many times but this feels different.

"Did you save me?" I ask.

"Yes" he say.

"I was trying to get your precious book so we are even"

Love Me (Navia/ NatsuxJuvia)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora