Peter felt safe and protected by James and moved in with him when James offered to look after him,more like insisted. I never said anything because I knew my friend was falling and falling fast and James was the same. He practically glowed when Peter so much as looked at him.

They became very close in the time they spent together and Peter found out James was a Dom. They had a little fall out where Peter refused to speak to him because he thought that being a Dom was all about whips and chains amd he refused to be a part of that. And I watched them both fall into misery. Peter missed James even if he wouldn't admit it and James looked ready to give up. I made them meet up and talk things through. James explained everything and Peter was captured with the idea of someone taking all your burdens away and making you the centre of their world and decided to take the leap and be James' sub. They both became much happier after that, Peter stopped causing trouble and was a good boy when he wanted to be and James still looked at him as if he was an angel. He lived with James and was James' sub as well as his boyfriend.

I decided I'm going to do this. If Peter could do it and land in James' arms maybe I can land in Mr. Stranger's. I blushed at my trail of thoughts. I've barely set foot in the role of a sub and I'm thinking of belonging to someone.

"From that cute blush covering your face I'm guessing you're thinking of him again." Peter said teasingly as he winked at me and I blushed some more.

"Okay let's do this." I said making up my mind and trying to avoid that statement.

I took a deep breath and followed Peter out of the room before I'm tempted to go rushing back and refuse to ever leave there.

"Ty there are a few rules you need to follow. Do not look at any Dom in their eyes. Do not talk to any Dom unless I give you permission to speak freely and do not leave my sight. There are bands to give you to show others that you are not available to play but sometimes they fall off and free Dom's could come after you. Right, now that that is out of the way I hope you find your mystery man tonight." He said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes at him and willed myself not to blush.

Peter made himself comfortable under James' chin and James looked lovingly at him. I felt myself wanting that. Someone to care for me, love me.

James grabbed his keys and Peter's hand and made his way to the front door. I followed behind them and locked up. I don't know what time we'll be back.

I jumped into the back seat of James' car. It's 8 o' clock at night right now and we'll get there at about 8:30.

I distracted myself by the view that passed by. I didn't want to dwell too much on what might happen tonight.

Before long James was pulling into his member only parking. We got out of the car and I looked at the bright neon sign, Leather and Chains. Accurate name really.

We walked up to the muscled bouncer who nodded at James and opened the door to the club. At the entrance was a table that looked like a sign up table. A sub was handing out bands to those who needed one. Peter went and got me a white colour band. It signified unavailable to play as I was an observer.

"Now remember what I told you Ty." James reminded me and opened a door and we were instantly hit with loud sounds and heat.

"This is the bar and club. The main floor is upstairs." Peter screamed at me to be heard over the loud music and we followed James to a red coloured door guarded my two men.

He showed them some form of
I.D. and they nodded at him. One opened the door and Peter and James walked through. I took a deep breath and braced myself for what is to come.

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