Chapter Eight🔹Traveling Around and Stuff

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We were sitting through a very boring physics lesson, that I only signed up for because of Peter, and Mr. Teal asked a question,
"Miss. Stark. If a fly hits a moving car, which one will receive more impact?" I shot my gaze to the teacher, who was leaning on his desk smugly. He knew I wasn't paying attention.
"Uh, the fly, no, no, the car. No! Wait! They receive the same amount of impact, final answer." He stood up strait and said,
"Well, this isn't a game show so it doesn't matter that you said final answer... But you were quite right."

I nodded, then looked over to see Peter giving me a thumbs up. Michelle, who also wasn't paying attention either, was reading A Wrinkle In Time. Ring, ring, ring. I turned around and Peter was frantically searching through his backpack for his phone. He left the class, and didn't come back in.
Ding, ding, ding. Shoot. Now my phone was ringing its weird ring. I ran out of the class room and answered my phone, I was standing next to Peter who was still on the phone.

Hey, kid.

Dad? What do you want? You interrupted class.

Well, sorry I'm not sorry. Anyways, Happy will be picking you and Peter up with the limo any minute now. We are heading to Chicago for a very important meeting.

How long will we be there?

About a week.

A week! What about school?

I have to go, bye. By the way, Happy told Peter that he's in charge of protecting you, so you better be careful. You don't want your friend getting in trouble.

And he hung up. I grabbed my bag and ran to my locker, Peter close behind.
"I can't believe we're going to Chicago." Peter said in awe.
"I can't believe I had no time to pack." I said annoyed. How could he accept this so quickly? I guess that's just his cheery self. Adorable, cheery self.

I grabbed my purse, and kept my backpack on my back. We walked out and Happy was there waiting for us. 
"Hello Happy." I said. He closed the window so we couldn't talk to us. The GPS in the back said it would take 15 minutes to get to the private plane. There was a awkward silence between Peter and I, but I spoke up.
"Anything you want to do in Chicago?" I asked
"Yeah, I think I'm going to see the Sears Tower."
"That'll be cool. Best part is we aren't in charge of this city..." I said happily.
"Technically, I'm not. Your and Avenger... So..."
I sighed sadly,
"I'm sure they will let us hang put though." He said giving me a sweet smile. I giggled and opened the window between Us and Happy.
"Hey, Happy, Is this a mission or something?"
"Oh, you didn't know? Iron Man and Captain America are at it again. You guys are going help Tony." He said very blandly.
"Wait, the Civil War is still going on?" Peter asked.
"Mhm..." Happy said while closing the window.

Peter and I looked at each other in disbelief.
"All right lovebirds, let's get on the plane." I got out of the limo and looked at Tony.
"Who ever said that I wanted to be part of this side of the war?" I asked. He looked at me and said,
"Your dad did. You don't have a choice."
"Dad, I'm an Avenger now. I can choose my side."
"Okay, choose." I looked at Peter who had complete fear in his eyes.

I grabbed my phone and called him.
"Hey, Steve. Is it too late to help you out. No? Great. I'll meet you there." I looked at my dad who had his jaw dropped, then he yelled,
"Grab her!" I shot my webs and swung away from them, getting to Steve's private plane.
"Maybe ask me next time! I don't like being bossed around." I yelled as I got farther, and farther.

I met up with Steve, got on the jet, and had many people question why I did it. Why? I was always on Cap's side.

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