Mental Break Down

Start from the beginning

"YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS!" Ariel screams as fangs extend from her mouth and blood leaks from her chin to the grass.

"I did not want to be alone." Adrian announces stepping forward, and twisting a hand around her arm.
She tries pulling away but ends up in tears.

"You killed me Adrian. I died because of you."

"You wanted immortality, to be with your beloved, I gave you what you wished for, and I do not regret any second of it." Adrian replies his back still turned, then as if the whole world begins to break apart, the grass begins to welt and dry out, the sun drops to the line of the horizon, and the trees fall to their death with a  loud bang.

"Ariel we are inside your head now." Lawrence says glancing at her with a wry look. She nods her head, wiping away the tears. She was crying?!

I move forward wanting comfort her but I'm pulled back. I stare at Adrian that has a clenched jaw, and shakes his head once indicating I can't do anything.

We wait a few minutes, before the next happens.

"Ariel." A male voice speaks and I turn to look at a very strange boy. He is about the age of twenty-five, with light blonde head, his golden eyes are sparkling in the night light.

"Gabriel." The name leaves her lips fast and she crushes into his body with force.

"I miss you so badly." She shrieks into the plain white shirt and then Gabriel wraps his arms around her.

"Arie look at me." He says in a velvety soft voice. Ariel slowly lifts her head staring into his beautiful eyes.

"I have to leave, we can't be together anymore, you're different and I'm even more so. I can't love a vampire Arie, but I do love human Arie." Gabriel confesses and I watch the red heads face break further, the ground shakes sending thousands of tiny cracks through the pavement.

I don't realize that I'm holding on to Adrian when I'm suddenly pulled to the side, as the ground collapses underneath my feet. Falling onto Adrian's firm chest I glance at him for a single second before leaping into standing position.
I can't hear any word Ariel mutters but I do see the cracks forming under her legs.

"ARIEL!" I shout wanting to get her attention, but she doesn't acknowledge me, because now everything went dark.

"You alright Miss Williams?" Lawrence asks gently placing a hand on her shoulder, Ariel nods her head, and red eyes focused strongly on the ground.

"Miss Volkova, since you are a newborn I would like to explain a few things before we proceed any further." The older Head hollered, while Ariel gathered herself together and Adrian didn't keep his eyes off of her.

"When we are inside your head, you will be facing some of your most secret fears and past, no matter what happens, because even I do not know what would happen, you have to learn to cope and accept your weaknesses. I will help you if you have a difficulty since you have no previous experience of this but try doing this on your own." Blonde head instructs and I gulp burning saliva in my mouth feeling slightly anxious.

"The test starts now." Lawrence announces as the three back a way.
I meet Ariel's blank eyes and feel panic settle in.

The memories of one innocent night flooded back into my head as I stared at my two angry parents.

I watched from the side as my younger self with long untrimmed hair swore. "Curfew is stupid! You're all delusional freaks!" My mum gazes at me with sadness in her eyes.
"Stop showing up at 2 a.m, you have school to attend, and grades to focus on, please Blair, work with us." Dad encourages his hazel eyes wanting to find my agreement.

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