Car Radio

38 14 6

I think that a great

When the lungs are full of entertainment,

They filled it with fire

I asked him,

I, you know this is terrible

Today, time

These are the people I

I usually do

Replace other

I bought

a full

My car radio

However, now, I sit quietly

Sometimes the physical violence

This is hard to hide

Or following my pride

This is a hands

Tie my shoes

Do not forget me please

The killed my dreams?

I hate driving

I have nothing to hide

You need to decide what they think,

The truth will not bend that way it is possible to

I can pull the wheel

These are the people I

I usually do

Replace other

I bought

a full

My car radio

However, now, I sit quietly

I believe evil

"We have time and do not need to hide from the noise

I see in terms of human existence

This consists of

We are, all of them feared

If you know, why, my dear, we do not know


It is a very deep

What to post a comment

I like the track, and more

We can do

However, there are only two of

I chose two,

You have to get peace

I finished

In fact, sleep

We will choose

Faith is not cold

I think we need to stay cool

But I think that we are living

We will try to link

I will die

You should consider the

These are the people I

I usually do

Replace other

I bought

a full

My car radio

However, now, I sit quietly

(Listen S) [X4]

(Listen S) [X6 & Watch dessert](((!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))((( watch cookies surtout )))

However, now, I sit in silence [x 2]

Now, I just sat

So, I sat quiet [X3]

Now, I just sat

I think that a great

When the lungs are full of entertainment,

They filled it with fire

I asked him,

I, you know this is terrible

Today, time

These are the people I

I usually do

Replace other

I bought

a full

My car radio

However, now, I sit quietly

(((((ON PLEURE )))))))

[ARCHIVES] I can't explain how I feel but I can find a song that canOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant