I Want It All

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Marvin's P.O.V.

The hot sun beamed down on my back as I walked from the bus stop to the front doors of my high school. It was unusually hot for the beginning of October. My armpits and were beginning to sweat, and I power walked towards the air-conditioned building as fast as I could to avoid sweating any more and end up looking like I'd just taken a jog. I'd worn a mostly black button-down that day; probably a bad idea.
As I walked I to the building, I noticed cheesy Halloween decorations covering billboards and lockers. "It's way too early for Halloween decorations," I thought to myself as I walked down a flight of stairs to my locker. My beige bag with brown and blue stripes repeatedly bounced against my thigh as I did so.
Other students were talking amongst themselves, all in different groups. I overheard a few words they were saying as I passed by.

"Did you see the new Star Wars teaser trailer?"

"Your mascara is smeared!!"

"Shut up, go home, and pull your damn pants up!"

"Ugh, I have gym next period."

I fiddled with the padlock on my locker and put in the combination: 5, 13, 4, 8. I opened it and put my bag down on the locker's bottom shelf. I grabbed my notebook and folders for my history class, knocking some other notebooks down in the process. A few other students giggled, making me feel humiliated. I felt my face heat up.
"Damn it!" I hissed as I set down my things and put the fallen notebooks back in their places on the shelf. God, I'm such a klutz. I bent down to pick up my notebook and folders. I slammed the door shut with my foot and stomped off angrily to my class, looking at the ground. After I felt my face cool down, I looked around. Ugh, the lockers were such an ugly shade of green. It looked as if somebody used guacamole as paint, which was also chipping off. You could see that in previous years. They were painted red, grey, and sometimes blue. In fact, the whole school just had an... Ugly essence. The ceilings had random weird stains and the tiles were falling out. You could see all the electric wires. The lights flickered a lot, the walls were painted "barf" orange. It was truly the ugliest thing I had seen in my life, and that's saying a lot.

I wasn't looking where I was going and I felt myself collide with an object. No, not an object. A person whose height was about up to my nose. "S-sorry" I muttered as I looked to see who it was. It was my girlfriend, Trina. She was wearing a bright orange-and-yellow sundress and a necklace with shiny cream-colored beads on it. She had red sandals on and her nails were also painted red.
"Marvin! I missed you! Where have you been? I haven't seen you all weekend! Are you doing okay? How is everything?"

There she goes, with her five million unnecessary questions and comments. I'm really unsure about what we are anymore. I've been distant, but well, so has she. I don't know.


I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. I hadn't realized I'd paused for so long.
"Oh, Trina!!" I said, plastering a fake smile over my face, trying to act as if I wasn't irritated. "I'm, uh, I'm doing good! How are- how are you?"

"Well, fine, I guess. I need to get to class. We only have a minute."


I didn't check the clock. The classroom is all the way on the other side of the school, maybe I can make it if I run.

"Bye, Marv! I love you!" She smiled and called over her shoulder as she ran in the opposite direction.

"Love you too." I responded automatically. I'd just gotten so used to saying that.

I stopped to think about those last words for a bit.

"Love you too."

Do I love her?


Trina's P.O.V.

I plopped down in an empty chair and placed my notebooks down on the desk in front of it. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, so I pulled out my phone from the pocket in my dress. I had gotten a notification on my way to class, and since I was hurrying I didn't have time to check it. I turned it on and there was a text from Jason's mom telling me that he was sick with the flu and couldn't make it to his session today(He's in fifth grade and I tutor him in math. Sweet kid). I replied.

8:49 AM
Sorry to hear that. Hope he feels better soon!

Mrs. Sawyer walked in just as I turned my phone off. I sighed in relief. If a teacher catches you on your phone, they're allowed to keep it until the end of the day. I did not want that to happen.

(Time skip to after class cause i'm hella lazy)

Second period was my free period. I went out to the courtyard and sat on a small wooden bench at the base of a big red oak tree. I opened up my phone and scrolled through my social media. As I was looking through my notifications on Instagram, I saw that Marvin like my picture of a photograph of me when I was three

Marvin. Marvin, Marvin...

I sighed. I could think about him for hours. God, I love him so much... He didn't sound very enthusiastic or energetic like he always does when he says "I love you" to me. Does he not....

Stop. He loves you, he needs you and he values you. That's what he told you. We'll get married someday, have kids... Yeah. Yeah! Stop being so anxious. He's probably just tired.

Word count: 1018
Hope that wasn't too terrible.
Thank you for reading!!
Sorry I took forever to update, my wifi was down for a few days. Please vote if you enjoyed it!! I'll have the next chapter up in at most a week. Hope y'all have a good day! 🌈✨

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