xxviii. nimdha

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People tell you're sensitive but you know what? Youre a person who's not afraid to show how your heart feels and that's is remarkable.

I may not be very close to you but I surely do keep you close inside me.

To me, you're a person who cares about feelings that don't even belong to you.

Tell me why wouldn't I like such a person?

A person who cares about other hearts and minds. A person who'd do anything for the people you love; we don't always get to meet people like you. You're one of a kind , don't forget that. Be yourself cause if you aren't the world will be losing some precious.

I'm not lying, I don't lie about what I feel or what I think.

You're just like the ribbon that holds the gift together. You'll do anything to hearts closer and make bonds beautiful.

You simply are a ribbon of love.

I'll be by your side even you need me and don't. You don't have to acknowledge me . I like you that's enough for me and remember I'm there for you.

I know I've hurt you at times and hurt the people you love, intentionally and unintentionally . I really am sorry . I really mean it.

I'll be by your side forever it's not a promise , times may change there will be a time where I might hurt you again thought it hurts me to say that but I promise you to try my best to not let that happen.

I like you. A lot. Actually I'm kidding

I love you as a friend you're amazing!


Your friend from far away.



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