Chapter 35 Last ingredient

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Do you realise how hard it is to write something that's near impossible?

Anyways, I'm ded.

Please don't kill me my lovely-devoted-anime-loving-precious-dear-readers!
(I'm not satisfied with the chapter but I really want to get on with it)

Side note: I feel like chapters with Daichi is like fillers in an anime lol.

Side side note: you don't mind the fact I keep switching the terms between demon and yōkai do you?


The roots of the thousand year peach tree from the south near the temples of the priestesses. Apart from priestesses, only a human with a pure soul could enter. Demons who try to enter the barrier around the temple will be burned until nothing remains. Not even bones nor ashes will remain.

And that is why, our demonic buddies, are standing out side the temple, hugging each other for life. Too scared to go in and be destroyed completely.

"How to get in.... Demons are dead gone if we go in..." Lord Daichi said to himself, deep in thoughts. He furiously flipped through the pages in Jaken's book, looking for the information he needs

Suddenly, the barrier of the temple warped and crackled.

"What- what is happening!?" a demon gasped, yelling for the others to get back.

The barrier which had made it self physically visible to the eye was breaking and weakening, it was as if it was being pulled apart by some spirit!

Not a second later, Daichi warned them all to get down and a burning light filled the area. It wasn't a purifying light, just a bright light like it was coming from an explosion. Except there was no explosion.

"The barriers are down." Daichi wondered curiously of the possibility. "Not a second must be wasted! You two come in with me, the rest stay out and guard the area. If something is happening with the area, warn us!"


Just like that Daichi and the three immediately headed in, ignoring the dangers ahead.


Inside, you can really see how worn down the wooden temples were. They were old and twisted looking. Leaves on the ground and empty of actually life.

"Good thing it's only an empty temple. The priestesses all rumoured to disappeared years ago." Guard one said, named Kazuhiro.

"Only rumours, we still must be cautious. My lord, this location of the peach tree, is it written in the book?" Guard two asked, named Jun.

"Well, surprisingly it does!" Daichi mused, reading the section about the tree, "it says it's in the core..."

'Well, this makes sense more since demons can't get in there'd be no information to tell where it actually is.' Daichi thought.

"It looks like a shrivelled up peach tree and it won't attack... let's make haste then!" The lord nodded.

The trio looked around and found a huge shrine. Jun went ahead and first checked if it was safe. Opening the doors and stepping inside with nothing happening to him, he deemed it safe.

Inside that shrine was another shrine and alter. The alter held legit a root. But it wasn't what they were looking for.

Exiting the shrine, deep in thought, Kazuhiro said aloud, "it looks like a shrivelled up peach tree... shrivelled.....roots......"

Daichi and Jun widened their eyes, suddenly getting the trick.

"It's the whole temple!" Daichi gasped, throwing Jun in the air to get the view. Indeed, the temple was the tree itself. The leaves on the ground where the leaves on the tree and the houses were the branches and roots. The huge temple down the middle was the trunk and the scattered twisted shrines were the roots. The 'peaches' were pillars.

"My lord—!" Jun landed back down, speechless.

"Then which one is the one?" Daichi only asked himself. Either he took a root from the shrivelled shrine or the root from the shrine within the shrine. That root in there really had some weird aura emitting from it...

However their thread of thought was disrupted when the sky crackled and the shrines around them started emitting a pure aura.

"My lord, we have to go!" Jun cried, alarmed.

"Then we must!" The young lord sliced a part of the shrine beside them and sealed the root into an orb. Kazuhiro, curious about the root in the shrine, he ran in and grabbed the root. But that was the wrong move to take.


Daichi and Jun open the shrine doors only to find the root was turning Kazuhiro into wood and was being absorbed into the smaller shrine with the root. Moving into place to strike the alive root, Kazuhiro shouted for Daichi to leave to which Jun had done so for the safety for his master.

The light around them was getting brighter and was starting to burn them with its purity. Knowing they would not make it in time, Jun made a suicidal decision. "Thank you Daichi-dono, it was an honour to serve you." with that, Jun created his own demonic barrier for the lord and shove him out with a burst of power.

His last sight was Daichi's mortified face before disintegrating away, content with this final action in serving his lord.

"Lord Daichi!"



The squad worriedly cried as their lord was ejected from the temple. The expression on his face told them all what happened to Kazuhiro and Jun. Those two was the most loyal to Daichi and Jun had served his father before serving Daichi. For them to end this way...

"We..must make haste, any longer would make their sacrifices go to waste." Lord Daichi uttered, but the rest heard.


But they all could relate. As young uns rescued from the slums, they'd happily die for their young lord who had given them reason to live.


Omg I cry. Killed them off so easily.

Eh, if you spot mistakes, do tell me. Legit wrote this up just now in the last 2 hours.

SesshomaruXkagome Fanfiction [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon