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I rolled over to look at his sleeping form again and again. I've been up for almost a half hour, and I've just been enjoying how angelic his face looks when he sleeps. His features softened, his cheeks pulled upwards into a small smile occasionally-- it was beautiful.

"Dae, you can stop looking now. I'm not that impressive," Chanho mumbled, waking up slowly.

"You are," I whispered, resisting the urge to reach out and swipe his hair from his radiant face. He sat up, scratching his head.

I don't think he remembers ever coming to my house, but for those who were wondering-- we only cuddled. And for those who were wondering, no, my mother doesn't know. I nudged Chanho.

"Baby, how are we gonna get past my mom...?" I inquired quietly, watching Chanho stand and stretch, then lean back near me.

"Is she going to be mad?"

"I guess not..."

"Then let's tell her," he replied, pecking my nose lightly and smiling. "Give me some ideas. Maybe we can bake some cookies..."

I snorted. "She knows I'm gay, Chan-whore. I just have to explain your presence." I got out of bed as well, stretching and sighing. Chanho pulled me in for a hug.

"I still don't feel any better about confessing to my mom, Dae... How do I do any of this?" He mumbled in my ear softly, making me shiver. I slid my hands up his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting him rest his head in the crook of my neck. "Can we at least date for a little? I don't want her to ruin what we have now."

I nodded, feeling a blush creep up again. It made no sense. Nothing about liking a person makes sense, to be honest. I didn't understand him, how he used to be so unresponsive before yesterday. I didn't understand this scene, this pairing, this couple standing in a room and just enjoying each other. So when I nodded my head yes, when I told him it'd be okay, the relief on his face made me understand a little. My fingers curled tighter around his plain white shirt. He pulled away, grinning.

"You're so tiny," he chuckled.

"I-I'm not that short!" I retorted, turning away from him. He poked my side.

"So cute."

"Yeah, yeah," I waved him off, trying to mask my embarrassment. I went through my clothes, looking for a new outfit. "Hey, Chanho?"


"How would you feel if I dyed my hair? We're doing a project in my beauty class and I have the choice to dye someone else's hair or my own. I figured I could dye it a natural color, like brown or black."

"I think it'd look good."

I nodded slowly, taking his opinion in and walking into the bathroom to change. I pulled off last night's clothes, pulling on a simple blue t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I stepped back out of the bathroom, seeing Chanho lying on my bed, his legs spread and one arm lying over his eyes. I snickered.

"Chanho, I don't top. Close your legs," I teased, watching him as he groaned and sat back up. He ruffled his hair for the millionth time.

"Can we just cuddle today? I'm feeling lazy."

"No, get up. We have things to do, you bum." I stepped around and pulled on one of his arms, pulling him up. He smiled lightly, taking my small hand in his again.

"Let's go talk to your mom," he said, tugging me ahead of him. My face felt even hotter than before.

"W-Wait, you can't just-- walk into the living room and--"

Tea Leaves|| A Homosexual NovelWhere stories live. Discover now