Sparks aren't just on the end of fireworks

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Short character descriptions

Mercer Gale Storm. Male. A runaway. An orphan. Merc's twin brother. "6"4. Built. Intelligent. Thief. Does it for family. Goes to Fandom High. Has black hair with green ends. Left parted fringe that covers his right eye. Pale. Has one green eye and one honey colored eye. Has tattoos. Has piercings in his ears and nose. Wears dark blue and dark red. Always wears converse high tops. Animal: Wolf

Merc Aella Storm. Female. A runaway. An orphan. Mercer's twin sister. "5"4. Built. Genius. Murderer. Thief. Fighter. Does it for Fun, Family, and Money (in that order). Goes to Fandom High. Has long straight black hair with green ends. Right parted fringe that covers left eye. One eye is black and green and the other is yellow. Has tattoos. Has piercings in her ears, eyebrow, and nose. Wears black and occasionally grey. Always wears some type of boot or converse. Wears glasses while reading at home. Animal: Ditto ( the shape shifting Pokémon)

Emmerly Elizabeth Mathews. Female. A nice girl. Shy. Has a mom and dad but they are divorced. Geeky Smart. "6". Kinda built. Works part time at Supernatural Starbucks. Goes to Fandom High. Has medium length wavy pink hair that fades to a dusty rose color. Left parted fringe that covers right eye. One eye is brown and the other is lilac. Has one tattoo. And her ears are pierced. Wears glasses. Animal: Sea Turtle

Kassie Faith Brooks. Female. Ball of sunshine. Nice. Shy. Has a mom and dad and two siblings. "Unicorns were more rare in 1778 than they are today" Kinda smart. Average build. Works part time at My Little Pony Petting Zoo. Goes to Fandom High. Has long black curly hair that fades to lilac. No fringe. One eye is brown and the other is red-brown. Has no tattoos. Her ears are pierced. Wears contacts and glasses. Animal: Unicorn

The students at Fandom High all have Heterochromatic eyes. Oh, and magic.
Their soulmate is found by an animal. That persons animal will appear beside you and will not leave you alone until it is given to its rightful owner. The animal then becomes the owners pet doing as the owner sees fit completely willingly.

Selestrial Jade Onyx. Female. Punk. Rebel. Sticks up for people. Has a dad. Has a this guitar is more badass for this reason kind smart. Built. Works part time at the junkyard. Goes to Mundane High. Has long straight brown hair. Right parted fringe covering left eye. Both eyes are a Forresty yet electric green and blue. Has tattoos. Her lip, noes, eyebrow, and ears are pierced. Has perfect vision. Animal: Mantis shrimp

Storm Ryker Jensen. Male. Rebel. Is nice on the inside. Anti Social. Has a dad. Has an "I know when your lying" kind of smart. Built af. Goes to Mundane High. Has white hair with black ends. With a left parted fringe that covers his right eye. Has two red-grey eyes. Has tattoos. His ear, nose, and eyebrow are pierced. Has perfect vision. Animal: Dragon

Asher Jett Phoenix. Male. Shy. Sweet. Nice. Geeky. Normal build but out of shape. Goes to Mundane High. Has blonde-brown hair. Has no fringe. Stutters. Has two blue eyes. Has no tattoos or piercings. Wears glasses. Animal: Moose

Sammual Dean Hunter. Male. Cold hearted. Sassy. Has a very nice build. Goes to Mundane High. Has longish brown- blonde hair. Has no fringe. Has Caribbean eyes. Has tattoos. Has his eyebrow pierced. Wears glasses while reading. Animal: Narwhal

Better descriptions coming later..........


Merc's pov
Me and my brother finally got to move. We're moving to a school. This school is like Hogwarts okay so all of the magic kids get to go. So far the people that I know who to to this school are, Kassie (my cousin), Emmerly (My other cousin) and my twin brother. We all get to live in castles. Yeah full on fucking castles. I'm fucking liking this school already. So I go up to the head masters office and ask for my timetable and wifi password.

Time Table
8:00am-10:00am Anime Ap
10:05am-11:00am Fanfic Lit
11:05am-12:00pm Shipping 101
12:05pm-1:00 Lunch
1:05-2:00 Free period
2:05-3:15 Social Media Class(1/4) this class changes over each semester.


Okay so I have all of my classes with my fam. Gr8. I decide to check out Fandomonia. Fandomonia is the town that we live in it has a SuperBucks, A MLP petting zoo, and a Who-Mart. The next town over is a peasant town. It's completely normal but I decide to go anyway. They have a Starbucks, a petting zoo, and a Walmart. The also have a junk yard on the outside of town. I decide to go to the junk yard.
Upon entry I see this girl working. She has long straight brown hair and a face that says "I'm not afraid to slit a bitch." I decide to talk to her my glare and otherwise emotionless face intimidates her and it's clear. "U-um h-Hi." She says stuttering 'oh boy' "Look is this the place here all of the fights are held?!" I say monotonously. She nods and I walk off back to home. On the way back while I'm blasting music and drinking some Starbucks that I decided to get a guy runs into me. I glare "Watch it Assbut" I growl. "He tries to look tough and fails. "L-l-look I am deeply sooty okay.?" He said at least a little scared. At least watch who you run into Brat. He accidentally brushes shoulder against mine. We both feel it. Sparks from the touch. "Tch. Great." I say quite sarcastically. He stands for a moment and then asks " Can I see you tomorrow?" "Fine brat just don't spill anything on me." I then give him my number and leave. Not failing to notice the dragon on my shoulder.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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