Chapter 22~ Closet Nightmares

Start from the beginning

Not only that but she's a total big shot here why wouldn't she want to be big from her family's company? It doesn't make sense to me, she has so much potential for so many academics and she chose this life. She should be given more credit and she's been offered so much why not take it?

Why wouldn't she want to be with her parents take on their jobs, she would be a perfect candidate. Her sister is a prodigy a perfect genius I could see how they look alike.

Sayuri~chan has all of these traits I couldn't even imagine there are countless things she could just decide on her own. She's a powerful women and she decides to waste her wellbeing on this school and people it's...weird.

Sayuris POV.

Lunch definitely brightened my whole outlook of today, it made me more positive I guess. I haven't felt happy at school for awhile I can't believe just one conversation with a bunch of my friends could make me feel so joyful.

I clear out of the cafeteria still hearing murmurs and silent whispers traveling behind me. I've gotten use to this why should it be so different? I go about my day and right after lunch is a free period so instead I decide to go to one of The vending machines to buy a strawberry drink for myself.

I hum a soothing little tune, I sense something off right after a drank a sip of my drink. Someone is here gosh I wonder who it might be. My body turns around and I put my guard up.

What the hell is wrong with these people, for one day could they not try to put me down?

"Ohh I knew I sensed a rat near by."

"You think your so much better because your a masato!" She says my name and mocks it. I clench my fits firmly and start gritting my teeth.

I'm going to try as hard as I can not to rage at this moment, you know what I'll let her rant.

"Sorry I forgot what your name was? What was it again? I guess my brain doesn't want to remember you I can see why."

The blonde pineapple headed girl seemed more angry than the last time we fought and argued. Amazing progress I can see. "My name is MIKO TUMA!" She screamed her heart out. I think I finally realized her name in my brain of a dictionary.

"Calm yourself, no need to yell in the hallways anyways I'm done fighting I just want to go on about my day and your ruining it." I smile smugly I relax and sign in disbelief.

"You think your so clever because of the family your apart of, do you know how many people your parents and your sister have hurt? Because of how shameless they are!" She continues "Your probably so rich you could replace anything for a price."

She stares at me, I stare back deeply with a harsh cold deadly glare. I wanna keep pushing her keep telling me your opinion. I would love to hear it, I will make sure you will suffer just as I did. I really want to rip her head off and rip her heart out of her chest and squeeze the blood oozing out of it.

"Your a terrible person who only worries about themselves, you make big cash off of rumors, making news reports in magazines!" She continues "you use other people for your own benefit once you've sucked the life out of them you've already thrown them away like some old toy! You've decided to experience what it would be like to be a normal person in high school but deep down inside you just mocked our voices and your just so selfish, self-centered, exfoliating ego of yours it's foolish, in your free time you play others and there connected to your little spell only causing and inflicting grievous pain. You hurt others for your own enjoyment of pleasure you dowel on the people's past and open closed wounds. You reopen people's closed past and make sure they relive there living hell so you can be amused of yourself. You must love looking down on people like there hopeless. Your a cruel vile person which makes you a monster!"

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