Its Complicated

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Chapter 1

So on 28th of January I started the worst year of school there possibly is, high school. I woke up to the sound of an alarm bursting next to me on my bed side table. It was so loud plus the vibration setting made me roll and cover my self in my cocoon of warmth. As my mum comes in and yells at me

"Fawn you need to get up you don’t want to be late for school.”

 See the thing is I’m a socially awkward person if I hear the word social I have a shiver rolls down my spine. I should probably introduce my self I’m Fawn Grimston and it is pronounced the way it sounds.

As my light brown and unruly curly hair flops on my face i drag my self out of bed as i make moaning sounds as if i were a real life zombie. I stretch up stretch out breathe in and then breathe out, I talk my self up.

"It wont be that bad, it cant possibly be that bad, come on Fawn you can do this".

 So i head the kitchen and I make a bowl of my favorite cereal Sultana Bran, I dance my way into the kitchen and start to pour the milk for my cereal. The monstrous beast immerges from her cave and lets out a grumble of

"I’m hungry." If you’re wondering that is my older sister Winter. She wondered towards my presence and says "what you got there Fawn sultana brand ayyyy...... LMAO."

 As casual 14 year olds do what to do with a sister like Winter.

She doesn’t have to go to school today because its only year eights and tweleves today. While i ponder what school will be like i do up my hair well more down in a side fish tail. As I like in my hazel eyes i prey there will be cute boys on the first day. I throw on my school uniform which is a white top basically see through, a navy blue skirt which is checkered with the colours of red and white. A breeze blows through my window as I tie up my shoelace, we make a knot form then we do to bunny ears and twist them together and done

"I still got it." I say aloud as a smirk comes onto my face. Mum is now having a panic attack that I will be late, as we are driving to school a song was playing on the radio that didn’t fit into the mood. It was happy by Pharrel Williams is playing and it is not making me feel any happier about today. 

i was dropped of at school in the middle of a city and I didn’t know my way home so i could hitch hike back, well I’m totally screwed now. as i exit the car the most amazing person i have ever seen in my life exits out of a car he is stunning he has a light complection, greenish blue eyes, light brown hair, he is wearing his swished up to the left side, he is wearing a maroon beanie and his uniform. Perfection has just come into my life, suddenly i think high school won’t be to bad after all.

I walk to the entrance look down the open hallway, to see you friends waving at me through the end. I run up to them and hug them these two girls were the best girls in the world I honestly loved hanging out with them. That is Luna and Sydney we all went to primary school together, I came in the start of grade seven I had the best time with those girls. I better not forget about Blaze and Faith my two amazing BCFs and no, not boating camping and fishing store I mean Best Cousins Forever. Back to school as I walked I was destine to find out terrible news none of us were in the same class.

As I was taken to an assembly with the rest of the there a kids a glance caught my eye there was that boy who was also with another very attractive boy what is going on. While we are in the assembly I cant take may hazel eyes of his amazing face. His friend has a olive tone to his skin, a chestnut colour to his eyes a white sparkly grin, black swishy hair which always falls in front of his face. Oh dang the bell went I stand in the middle of the assembly area wondering were to go when suddenly. I am dragged towards a room I look up oh thank god it was only Luna.

 "What were you thinking, are you out of your mind you could have got squashed you midget"

 Says Luna with a angry tone but i can detect sarcasm.

 "Where are we going" i ask in confusion "to VPC weren’t you listening."

i wanted to say I wasn’t and i was starring at two attractive boys but i just didn’t say anything and made my way to VPC. 

As I turn the corner


I run into the guy with greenish blue eyes, we have an awkward star moment.

“You all right there”

He asks me I nod and continue to head to my VPC. Thoughts are buzzing and whizzing around in my head like Why didn’t you say something?, come on fawn get some courage and, he is going to think I’m  such a weirdo. As I wait out the front of my VPC room with none of my friends, I think I see my VPC teacher coming down the hallway. Oh no! this is bad this is very bad the one with chest nut coloured eyes is in my VPC class. Why me lord?, why me?

As we walk into the classroom I take a seat, then the boy I think is attractive takes a seat in front of me. At this point the VPC teacher has introduced himself, and everyone was listening to him go on about his boring life story. The boy I think is attractive is leaning on two of his chair legs. It wobbles and wobbles again, it’s not wobbling anymore its shaking and


He falls off his chair and hit the ground when he gets back up he shakes his hair turns to me smiles looks me in the eyes and says

“Hi I’m, Max what’s your name?”

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