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The sight under the mask was gruesome. Exactly like the flash Nikki saw before. Nikki screamed in terror as Rebecca lunged for her with the mask. "REBECCA!" She screamed, fighting back. Rebecca paused for a moment, then grabbed a silver, sharp knife and headed towards an extremely scared and suprised Nikki.

Nikki ducked, and ran for her life out of the house stumbling down the stairs and down the street. She knew Rebecca was looking at her through the window of her house. Nikki wasn't looking, and ran into a biker down the street. Panting, she helped him up and apologized. She realized he wasn't much older than her, with brown messy hair and bright, brown eyes. She recognized him from her school, the cute boy no one really talked to, except for a couple fellow video game lovers.

"I'm SO sorry," Nikki said, embarrassed. "It's ok." He said, smiling. "I'm Josh." He said getting up. "Nikki." Said Nikki. "Why were you running?" Asked Josh. Nikki didn't want to tell him. "Uhhh, I have to get home before dinner.." she lied. He chuckled.

"I know that's not why." He said. "Look, I heard the screams." Nikki looked at him and titled her head. He obviously knew something was wrong, there was no turning back now.

"Yes, and I'd tell you everything, but let's not hang around here." They went down to an abandoned alley and Nikki began to explain. "Well, you know Rebecca from Geometry?" She began, then proceeded to include some details, but she didn't tell Josh the whole story. "She always the sweetest person ever!" Josh finally said. "We actually used to date...up when a couple months ago she started acting.." Nikki finished his sentences. "Self-obsessed?" She didn't know this boy well, but they already seemed to be on the same page.

Josh nodded, surprised. His chocolate brown eyes filled with worry. Nikki looked in the direction of Rebecca's house. "Well, we need to do something about her." She said. "Agreed." Said Josh. "Look, I need to go, but I'll see you tommorow at school!" "Meet me by the back doors after, and let's both try and avoid Rebecca." Nikki nodded. "Sounds good." "See ya," she waved goodbye and went home." ***********************************
The next day....
Riiiiing! The final bell of the day rang amd Nikki headed off to meet Josh by the classroom. However, Nikki's heart jumped.

Rebecca was already there, with Josh. She seemed to be telling him something. "Josh?" She called. Looking at Nikki, he came closer, with lifeless gaze. Nikki realized what was happening. She screamed and ran down the empty school hallway, but Josh ran over and dragged her back to Rebecca while she screamed and cried in fear.

Taking off the mask off her gruesome face once more, she looked Nikki in the eyes and said, "Do you think I'm pretty?" "Well, it's your turn!" With that, Josh and Rebecca tied her up. Placing a gag over her mouth, making sure she couldn't scream. They quickly dragged her outside, into a storm cellar outside the school.
How is this happening right in public?? She thought as they took her away. The last thing Nikki saw was Josh staring blankly down at her with a baseball bat. Then it all went dark..

What did you think of the first chapter back? The exciting stuff happens next chapter, so be ready! There will probably be one or two more to wrap up this book. Trust me, it'll be shocking! Hehe... Nikki thought she could trust Josh, apparently not...or so she thinks...

Unmasked BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now