Imagine 1

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Era: 1965

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

George leant in, and and kissed you passionately. His arms wrapped securely around your waist and yours around his neck. It was a moment of pure bliss and a feeling that is unable to be described. You smiled into the kiss and felt at peace now that he was yours.

But, it was only in your mind. The painful and sad truth was that George was not yours and never would be. It was not you at the alter but his blonde fiancé by the name of pattie Boyd. It was not you who had been kissed in a signification of matrimony, and it was not you who could call George your own. But, it was you he looked at during his vows, giving you a secret glance during their kiss. You that he was looking at so adoringly during their first married couple dance. But, that would be later on.

The wedding had just begun, and you began to think about how you and George had gotten here.

You and George had an affair before the wedding. When the marriage was to be announced, and George was living with pattie Boyd, one of your best friends. She'd invited you over one night, and then her plans changed and you wound up waiting around like an idiot. George kept you company and you got to talking since you hadn't seen each other for a while. You loved his company so you met up another time after that, and another after that and quite a few more times. It was a party, and you both had way too much to drink and things escalated. Ever since then, your....rendezvousing(😏😏😏) became a regular thing. It was meant to be just a casual thing, but time after time, you'd find yourself falling more and more in love with him, and he found himself desperately in love with you. You'd told each other of course and even planned to get away with each other. He'd break up with Pattie, and you with your now ex boyfriend and go to America where they'd never find you. Of course, plans drastically changed when Pattie announced her pregnancy. Then, the engagement followed suit along with the devastating downfall of your relationship.

You both loved each endlessly, but decided it was better to end it. You and your boyfriend were going to get married too, but that ended about 4 weeks ago. Pattie had acted devastated since the four of you were all such good friends. You had broken up, not only because of George, but because your boyfriend has cheated on you. It only made you feel even more guilty about George.

And now, you stood near the alter in your lavender bridesmaid dress. Your hair was curled up, and stuck out. George thought you looked beautiful, and wanted nothing more than for you to be in front of him now. But, it couldn't be. You both knew that, but it didn't hurt any less. You loved him dearly, and vice versa but you knew it wasn't right to separate a child from it's father. You didn't want to deprive a child from knowing who their father is just for your selfish needs. Besides, George would be a wonderful father. And husband, he was so caring, so sweet, so selfless. As you went through the list in your head, tears started to stream down your face. You wiped them, and put at hand to your mouth to stifle your sobs. The man you loved was before you, saying his vows. To someone else. It hurt, physical pain could be felt in your stomach. You were practically weeping, and George gave you a glance. One full of pain, and misery as he delivered his 'I do'.

You saw everyone cry tears of joy. But you didn't smile. Or clap. Or even feel the least bit happy. You just looked down, and cried to yourself. Your auburn brown hair got into your eyes, flowing in beautiful waves as you as slowly looked up to see George secretly gazing at you. You looked back, and for a split second the world stopped. You found yourself lost in his eyes, and yours began to leak tears. The preacher spoke suddenly, stopping your thoughts and letting your world turn again. You pushed your hair out of your eyes, and patted it back down.

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