Chapter 2: Worried Wife

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Daniel was now in tears as he said this. After seeing the deceased man in Daniel's arms, I proceeded to call reinforcements to come and check the house and take the body for an autopsy. While all this was happening, Daniel sobbed and sobbed. I decided it was best that I took him out of that house and to a relative's house. I asked him if he had a mom and he said that he did but she was at work. This was the perfect time to call her. She would probably like to know what happened to her husband.
Daniel gave me her number and I called her personally.
"Hello, Mrs. Miller, this is Detective Morr calling about your husband Mr. Thomas Miller.
"What's wrong with my husband? Is he okay? Detective?"
Mrs. Miller sounded agitated and worried.
"Well Mrs. Miller, I hate to tell you this over the phone, but your husband has passed away"
"What? Oh my husband! You must be lying, there's no way he's dead. He was incredibly healthy and -- oh this just can't be true!"
I realized that Mrs. Miller was extremely worried, but with her being Mr. Miller's spouse, she was the prime suspect.
After she calmed down a bit, I told her to meet us at the station, where she could then see her husband if she wanted to do so.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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