I looked at him in shock and awe. I pulled myself together and said, "You can't just say that now. After two years you finally realize that you screwed up well good job! What do you want me to do just crawl back into your arms and say 'Thank you' and 'I Love You'? Well that's not how it works. I want you to do me a favour I want you to leave me alone and stay out of my life!!"

I walked down the stairs and threw the box that was in my hands on the ground and ran up to a tree.

While running my full speed I round house kicked the tree and it fell to the ground. I stripped off my clothes and changed into my wolf and ran.

I sent a pack message to my boys and said 'Boys I'm going for a run to blow off my anger I need you guys to do the training. I'll be back when my wolf is calm and when I'm not pissed'

They all replied with 'Ok's'

I ran into the forest and didn't stop. The whole time I kept on thinking......

Why Me??

Dominic's POV

As soon as she ran out that door I knew that she was pissed I didn't mean to spill all my guts but I couldn't hold it in any more. I meant every word I said to her. I just had to keep telling myself that.

I walked out of the pack house to see both packs back. Her pack looked pissed beyond belief. The Alpha and his friends all walked over to me except a guy named Jason.

"Hi guys. Look I can guess just from your faces that Luna told you what happened but let me tell you that I meant every word I said to her and I wouldn't take it back. I love her and no one can change that."

They looked at me I awe and a little bit of anger. I looked at the Alpha Will and he was smiling at me.

"I knew that you would regret ever rejecting her so I'm going to help you win her back she may not like you now but I know that she will because after all she is your mate." He looked at his friends and asked "So boys are we going to help Lu or are we going to let her make the biggest mistake she will ever make?"

They looked at me then him and back and forth a few more times before all of them except the twins which I know are Conner and Chester. They looked at me and Conner said "We are doing this for Lu's own good not for you got that but...." Chester finished the sentence for him "....if you break her heart again or screw up even once. Being a werewolf is the only thing that will save you. Lu taught us over 50 ways on how to torture a werewolf without silver or their mates."

I looked at them and asked "Now what can you guys tell me about the new Luna cause I can tell there is defiantly a personality change there and I have to know what she is like if I want to woo her after all."

For the next two and half hours I learned all about the new Luna. Let me tell you what I learned:

When she left she went into intense training She is bad ass and will not stand to be disrespected that is why Jason gave up the beta position to her She is super smart I already knew this but there is more to it than that she has been making weapons to use on the hunters that can kill them slowly or quickly. She is a fast driver and sometimes does a little racing for cash or fighting for some cash.

All I can say is that she is a totally different person but man when I learned all that my wolf was defiantly turned on and believe it or not so was I.

They told me that she was basically the same except a few flaws. They said that when they found her she thought she was fat and ugly. They would always tell her that was not true.

She was mentally abused by all the things the pack had said to her. I was shocked that I caused the most pain of all. After I rejected her and she ran away she didn't trust anyone but Will and the twins because they called her their sister.

Rejected than Excepted. No thanks Goodbye!! Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now