"What are you talking about?"

"You've always been unlucky Adelaide." That was when she was attacked from behind. Adelaide found herself truly afraid as a bag was thrown over her head before she was knocked unconscious.


Killian awoke with a start the second Pan's pipes stopped playing; it didn't even take him a second to notice that Adelaide was gone. So he got the rest of them up and searching the forest for her. He would comb it all if he had to but he would find her. He was continuously shouting her name – in hopes that she'd just gone for a walk and would come back. He didn't care if Lost Boy's came after him, he would run each of them through if it meant he got Adelaide back – he had after all only just got her back. He couldn't, no he wouldn't lose her again.

"Guys over here!" Emma's voice yelled and Killian was at her side in a second, there in the tree was one of Pan's daggers pinning a note and Adelaide's chain on the tree. Killian held that chain in his hand, his glare was so sharp that the necklace could have melted in his hand as Emma stared at this piece of parchment attached to Pan's note. She'd read his note several times, each time making less sense each time.

"He so likes his bloody games,"

"What game? Last I checked, we're one down," Regina said, frustrated that they'd lost one of their numbers already to Pan – but she knew Adelaide. She wouldn't have wanted people to be concerned for her, she would have been more concerned about Killian who hadn't stopped pacing since Emma started to stare at the parchment. "And there's nothing on there."

"If he's said there's a map on that damn parchment then there is."

"Great. So if Pan's telling the truth if I just stop denying who I really am, whatever that means," Emma started, just as annoyed as Killian was. After all she had someone to lose if this didn't work too. "Then we'll be able to read this thing,"

"But how do we know Pan won't use it to lead us straight into a trap?"

"Because he doesn't need to," Killian explained, the evidence was right in his hands. If Pan wanted them, he'd have them it was as simple as that. "This whole island's his bloody trap."

"There's no sign of him or Adelaide anywhere,"

"Any luck with the map?" Snow said as she and David returned to the camp.

"Don't hold your breath."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't you see what he's doing?" Regina shouted, not understanding how she could be the only one of them to see this as clearly as she did. "Every second we spend talking about this is another second we're not looking for my son or Adelaide."

"You get a better idea?"

"Magic, if there's a lock on there." Regina said going to snatch the parchment off Emma, but Emma kept the map in her hands, knowing better, "I'll find a way around it,"

"Pan said it had to be me."

"I'd listen to Emma, breaking Pan's rules would be unwise and it'd be Adelaide who'd pay the price for your mistake."

"Sadly I agree with the pirate,'

"I'm winning you over, I can tell. Adelaide would be so proud,"

"And," Snow said ignoring the two men behind her as she talked to Regina, "Your magic doesn't exactly have a gentle touch, Regina."

"Use it on the map, it might blow up in all our faces."

"Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take,"

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