Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I'm afraid I'm going to have to book you in for a second CT scan. Considering the pain you've described in your shoulder, I can only predict that you've damaged your axons again. A CT scan will confirm whether or not they're in bad shape, but I'm pretty certain that you've delayed their healing process." The Nurse smiles sympathetically at me, then glances at her computer screen. "I can book you in late tomorrow evening. Is six o'clock okay?"

I nod, then sigh. "I'm such an idiot. I should have been more careful."

"It happens to the best of us, don't worry. We can only hope that they're not in worse shape than they were before."

The printer sparks to life and spits out a single sheet of paper. The Nurse tears it from the printer's jaws and hands it to me. "I'd avoid your injection today, but make sure you double up on your medication. That should help you through the rest of the day."

"What happens if my axons are... have ruptured?" I ask, biting my lip. "What happens then? With the injections, and..."

"Well, it all depends how bad they are. If they need a week or two more to heal, then you can carry on taking double your medication."

"And if not?"

The Nurse sighs. "I guess we'll have to find another way of administering the medicine. You can't have the injection in the other arm-"

"Why not?"

She shrugs. "I don't know, and even if I did, I'm not at liberty to say. It's forbidden to disclose that kind of information."

"The rules are weird," I mutter under my breath.

"The Statute must be obeyed."

"Is that one of the rules on there, by any chance?"

The Nurse smiles. "Number two, I believe."

"Missed out on the top spot? What a shame." I feign sadness. "What's number one?"

"Everybody is entitled to the rules, rights and regulations of the Statute."

"Isn't that literally the same thing?"

"Pretty much, yes." The Nurse chuckles. "Anyway, out with you. Haven't you got work?"

"I guess so." I smile, then head for the exit. "See you later. Thanks for your help."

"Take care, Naomi."

Opening the door, I leave the room and join my escort outside. He stands with his hands in the trouser pockets of his grey jumpsuit, staring at the floor. I clear my throat, awakening him from his thoughts.

"Ready?" Kit grins at me.

I nod my head, returning the smile.

"So, when's my picture going to be ready?"

"It's almost finished, actually. I reckon you'll have it sometime tomorrow."

He grins. "Looking forward to it. It better be good, or it's going straight in the bin."

"Nice to see you have faith in me." I smile, then tease, "Not going to punch anyone, today, are we?"

Kit rolls his eyes at me, shaking his head. "I'm not that much of a violent person, really."

I step forward in front and face him, with my hands on my hips, staring at him incredulously. "Really now?"

"That was a one off."

"I'm sure it was."

"It got me fired, you know."

"What?" I shake my head in disbelief, gesturing towards him. "But you're still escorting me?"

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