Chapter Twenty

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"Take care, Naomi."

"You too, Doctor Stewart. See you next week."

Leaving her laboratory, I pass by the other subjects waiting for their daily injection and carry on down the corridor towards the pharmacy. I will work today. I will. There could be one person in there, or one million, but no matter what, I will find something to do. It could be as challenging as rearranging all the medicine on the shelves, or as pointless as sweeping the already-clean floor, but whether Doctor Perry and Doctor Craig like it or not, I will do something.

"Well, look who it is."

Oh no.

I grimace and curse quietly to myself at the sound of a familiar, jeering voice. Glancing over my shoulder, I shoot the trio a cold glare and spin around to face them. My face is livid. "What do you want?" I snap hotly, narrowing my eyes.

Michael smirks, glancing from side to side at each of his minions. "Heard about your friend, Nay."

That damn nickname.

I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. A cold sweat saturates my skin, drowning me in apprehension. My mouth dries up and all my words become clogged up at the back of my throat. "S... so what," I splutter, standing my ground.

Come on. Pull it together. Don't lose your nerve.

"Aw, look, she's upset," he crows scornfully, grinning guilefully at me. "Poor little Nay. It must've been real hard to lose your best friend," he adds mockingly, feigning sympathy. He wipes a fake tear out of his eye and his cronies jabber with laughter. My temper begins to flare.

"Why you-"

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

The loud, deep voice erupts from behind me and it startles all of us, even Michael. Wide-eyed, I glance over my shoulder and my eyes land upon Kit. Heroic Kit. He stands boldly behind me, his arms crossed and his head held high. He eyes Michael and his friends warily.

"What are you doing?" I hiss quietly. "I can fight my-"

"Nothing to you. Why'd you ask?"

Michael takes a step forward, squaring up to Kit. He's an inch or two smaller but nonetheless, they're both intimidating the other. Their eyes lock and their lips curl into menacing scowls. I take a step back. They remind me of two male lions stalking each other in circles, their sharp teeth bared and their eyes never leaving the other, as they wait for the perfect moment to pounce upon their rival and claim him as prey.

"Are you bothering this young lady?" Kit asks equably. He remains calm and composed, unfazed by Michael's brashness. It amazes me how he can remain so even-tempered.

"So what if I am? What's it to you?" Michael leers in my direction. "You trying to defend her?"

"Maybe I am," Kit replies coolly. "For someone who's just lost a friend, I suggest you back off."

He presses the palms of his hands against Michael's shoulders and shoves him back gently. The force is barely violent, but it knocks Michael off balance and sends him stumbling back a few steps. My eyes widen in fear. I glance to Kit but he deliberately ignores me, his eyes fixated on Michael. My attention is soon drawn back to him as well. His eyes are flaming, his lip raised slightly to reveal a snarl.

"You just assaulted me," he growls, spitting on the floor in contempt. "How dare you! I have a right not to be abused."

"You have no rights in this place," I mutter bitterly to myself.

Of Illnesses And AntidotesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang