Second Term-First Year

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A/N: This is another short one. I am so sorry. I was thinking of making the summer and her entire second year one single chapter. Comment if you want me to. Hanna is like Hermione and Luna combined. She is really smart, but she  likes believing in the impossible. Remember that as you read this chapter. Enjoy! 

Hanna POV

Three months later

I awoke to harsh sunrays coming in through the window. I reluctantly stood and grabbed my uniform. I went into the bathroom and took a ten minute shower, so I could relax before I take finals. 

I got dressed, grabbed my bag, and headed to the hospital wing for breakfast. 

When I got there, I sat down on my usual bed and began to eat scrambled eggs, toast, strawberries, and a glass of pumpkin juice. 

I ate painfully slow. When I had eventually eaten enough, I got up and walked to my first exam: Potions. 

An hour and a half of studying and reading in the library , I am on my way to the Hospital Wing for lunch.

After I had eaten a small sandwich, grapes, and some water, I went to the library to study for my Herbology exam at one o'clock.

At one o'clock I hurried down to the Green houses for the test. After that, I went to dinner in the hospital wing and then went off to bed.


I awoke once again to harmful sunlight coming in the window. I got up and repeated the same cycle every day with a different exam each day

Tuesday: Only History of Magic

Wednesday: Astronomy

Thursday:Muggle Studies 

Friday: DADA and Transfiguration

On the Saturday following the last exams, we all went home for summer vacation.

A/N: I know that was realllllyyy short, but please don't hate me. I am just trying to get to her third year, which is going to be eventful and stressful. Please comment, vote and follow me! 

With love,


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