Attacker's tattoo

Start from the beginning

Vrinda smiled and shook her head.

"Assignment?!" She said smiling mockingly making palak nodding with that same smile on her face.

"Not completed?!"

Palak shook.

"Actually..not even started"

Palak nodded.

The mocking cum buttering smile was not fading away from her face. But...

Vrinda noticed something. Something which palak tried to ignore but her emotions couldn't hide that notification which caught by vrinda.
Palak knew that, because she was her best friend but she failed.

"Palak!" She said perturbedly.

Palak understood that vrinda caught that but she continuously trying her best.

"Pal! I understand. Just don't upset..."

"How do you do that!" Palak exclaimed.

"Because you are my best friend. Come....."

Vrinda opened her arms widely to invite her to hug.

Palak didn't wept but she was too upset that she accepted the invitation of hug as she hugged her back.

Lord vishnu's expression converted into serious one as he knew about the trail going on palak's mind and what she's going to say because of unawareness about what he had done.

"Pal! He was our good friend. He did a lot for us. He saved me from the anger of raghav sir. I know....he doesn't deserve to be murdered. He doesn't deserve to be died brutally. Come inside...come"

The reason of her awareness about Rahul's murder to palak dawned to vrinda because murders were everywhere on the news.

Vrinda dragged palak with her inside and closed the door. She pushed her a little down to make her sit down on sofa with herself as they approched there. Lord vishnu was sitting on the same sofa​ at the other corner. He smiled at this as he watched his sakhi clamming down her friend.

Palak pulled herself from hug.

"He was our good friend...I will kill that murderer" she said with the blend of mourn and anger

"I know...I thought this happened because of me.....but.....sakha told me through signs that I am not the reason. It's because of something he did wrong."

"But what? He was so innocent that he used to believe anybody"

"I don't know.....sakha told me and my guts are also telling me. Might be it's related to me, might be not...." She said looking away from palak and sighed before shifted her gaze on palak again.

"Oh my dark Lord! Please give him salvation" she prayed as she closed her eyes.

"Let's go to my room. We have least time to complete your assignment. Come on.." she said normally niether in sorrow nor in happiness.

Palak nodded in sorrow and they both got up, marched towards stairs, upstairs and made the way towards her room through the not too broad but not too narrow corridor. As they reached inside palak closed the door behind her and settled down on the bed.

"The assignment is there. Check that out, start your work, I'll be back" vrinda told in commanding manner while pointing towards shelf.

Palak nodded with a weak smile.

Vrinda headed towards in direction of painting after taking a rough cloth from the closet. She started dusting out the dirt from her sakha's painting as she realized she have not dusted that out since one weak.

Suddenly she heard thump sound.

"Sorry" palak apologized as in process of taking assignment file out from shelf, one notebook fell down mistakenly.

Vrinda turned her head slightly still her hand on painting.

"Be careful Pal" she told and turned her head back

"Hey! It's Rahul's tattoo, but...why have you drew that"

Vrinda got stunned and spinned around.

"What have you said?"

"Why have you drew that"

"No.. before this one"

"It's Rahul's tattoo" vrinda got shocked, not believing on that.

"Are you sure it's Rahul's ?" She asked again in disbelief.

"Yes. I am very much sure. This is on his left muscle" palak touched the area for the reference.

Vrinda's eyes got enlarged.

The flashback of attacker's hand on her mouth and her struggle emerged in her mind.

She saw the same tattoo on the attacker's left muscle.

"Oh my Sakha!" She got stunned as what she recognized is like a bombshell.

"What happen Vrinda?" Palak asked in confusion.

"He is Rahul"


"My attacker"

She recognized the attacker, the monster, was none other than Rahul.

A/N: Hey guyzz! How are you all?

I am fine and enjoying the rain here.

Anyways, here is the tattoo which vrinda had located on attacker's hand

Anyways, here is the tattoo which  vrinda had located on attacker's hand

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