special person / byler (discountinued)

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title: Special Person ! Byler 2/?
Words: 831
Warnings: inappropriate language

"Goodbye Mike," Eleven said waving at me as she walked through the door, with the rest of her friends. I smiled at her and went back to the front counter.

I heard pots and pans falling in the kitchen. I quickly got up, "Beth!" I looked around. "Beth?! Are you okay?" I yelled. "Oh, Mike!" She said appearing out of nowhere.

There was a mess in front of my face. Pink frosting on the floor. I looked up at Beth and she nervously smiled, "I'm guessing we are going to have to make a new batch of vanilla cupcakes,"

I started laughing and then she smiled.  She started cleaning up the mess she made and I helped her. " I see you like that boy you met," She said. I stopped cleaning up and I looked at her. She stared at me.

" I guess I do." I said smiling. "Hey, I will let you take the day off. Go after him," Beth said. "Really?!" I asked her. She nodded. I gave her a big hug. "Thank you!" I said and left Hawkins Bakery.

I saw Will walking with his friends a few blocks ahead. I started running towards them. I'm not that good of a runner, I wish I was though.

"Hey! Wait!" I said getting closer to them. None of them heard me, except Will. He turned around, his friends still walking and he didn't bother to stop them. He started running towards me and we finally met.

"Hello," I said looking down at him. "Hello," Will said looking up at me. I noticed his friends didn't notice him and they kept walking. "Hello." I said to him, again. "Hi," He said blushing.

I was lost in those beautiful eyes until he snapped me out of my daze. "I, uh, let's go!" Will said and took my hand.

I blushed so hard I felt like I was burning in hell. We were running while holding hands and we finally catched up to his friends.

"Oh you're back" Max said looking at Will and I. "You knew I ran up to him?" Will asked her. "Yeah, but I didn't want to disturb love, so I let you go to him." Max said smirking at me.

My eyes widened, and I saw Will blush. I saw Dustin looking between Will and I. In fact, he was staring. "Dustin, is there something wrong?" I asked him. I look down between Will and I, I realized what was wrong.

I was still holding Wills hand. I didn't want to let go, and it seemed he didn't want to either. I looked up at Dustin and he looked away once I looked at him.

I shook that thought away, I'm not going to let go of Wills hand. "Do you guys want to go The Arcade?" Lucas asked pointing at the arcade that was in front of us. I see Eleven nod, and so do I.

We walk up to the arcade. Max opens the door for us and we walked in. "I've never been in here before," I said looking around. "It just opened a month ago," Max said running to an arcade game.

Everyone else followed Max, I was practically being dragged because I was still holding Wills hand. I look at the arcade game, it's blue. It looks like a police telephone box.

"This is my favorite arcade game," Max said staring at it." She turned around and faced me, "It's called 'Doctor Who'." I feel like I've heard that name before, but from where?

"It's about a man, called 'The Doctor'," She said. "He travels through time and space, with a woman, most of the time." Max continued.

"I feel like this is real," I whispered to myself. "What?" Max asked me. "Oh, n-nothing." I stuttered.

"Anyway, the Doctor changes his face, he is never the same." Max said looking at me. This is getting scary! I don't like scary things.

"Can we start playing now?" Lucas asked all sassy like. "Yeah, of course," Max said. We started playing the game, eventually the game ended. I wasn't really paying attention, this Doctor Who thing is so familiar.

And I'm still holding Will's hand.

"Dammit!" Dustin said and hit the arcade game. "We lost," He said looking at his friends.

All of a sudden, Dustin started looking around, worried. "Where's El?" He asked us. We all started looking around for her. Will finally let go of my hand, and I felt like my heart shattered to a million pieces. But, that didn't matter.

We checked the entire place. "Where could she have gone?" Will asked. "I don't know," Max said staring at the floor.

"We have to find her," A voice said.


(A/N: Hey everyone! I really hope you like this chapter, because I do. Have a wonderful day/night! Also Doctor Who is my favorite show kbye)

Love and Light 💜

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