special person / byler (discountinued)

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title: Special Person ¡ Byler 1/?
words: 1,320
warnings: none
Third Person POV

Mike Wheeler, a lonely boy with dreams. Mike wants to be an actor when he grows up, but he works in a baker at the age of 16.

He doesn't have any friends, people bully him a lot at school. He just wants that one person in life to make him happy. To feel butterflies when they go near that one person.

Mike believes he won't ever have any friends, or be an actor, or have that one special person in his life. But, he still tries.

"Mom, I'm going to work!" Michael yelled heading out of the Wheeler's door. "Have fun sweetie!" Karen said while making breakfast for her 7 year old daughter, Holly.

Mike started walking to the Hawkins Bakery, which is only three blocks away. A few minutes later, Mike walked into the bakery.

"Morning, Beth!" Mike said while putting his bag down at a table at the back of the bakery. Beth was Mike's only friend at the time, she is 35 years old.

"Good morning, kiddo." Beth said while putting frosting on cupcakes. She smiled and licked her fingers, then washed her hands.

"Anything new in life?" Beth asked the teenager. "No, I wish though." Mike said frowning at the ground.

Mike walked over to the front door and flipped the sign so it says "Open" while facing out the window. Mike went behind the counter and sat in his chair waiting for some customers.

Four hours have passed and by this point Mike was day dreaming. Only 23 customers have came in. Mike just wants to be an actor. He wants to be on one of the best television shows in history.

Mike's POV

Ding, Ding.

That's the sound the door makes when a person walks in. I immediately open my eyes and see 5 kids around my age, 2 girls and 3 boys.

"Tell me what you guys want and I will go ahead and order. In the meantime, get a table." The shortest boy tells them all. I hear them say what they want and the two girls walk over to a table giggling. While the other two boys follow, holding hands.

The short boy walks over to me. "Hello," He said. I can't help but examine him. A bowl cut, hazel eyes, and an adorable smile. "Hi," I said looking at him with heart eyes, thank god he didn't notice.

"What would you like?" I asked him politely. "I will take two vanilla cupcakes, 1 large chocolate shake, and a water please." He said with a big smile.

"Anything else?" I ask him while writing his order down. "Nope." He said. I added up the finale cost, "That will be $14.27," I said to him. He handed me the money and I went back to the kitchen.

"Two vanilla cupcakes, one large chocolate shake, and a water, Beth!" I said to her. "Coming right up!" She scattered around the kitchen and 40 seconds later she hands me all of it. "The customer who ordered this is really cute." I said to Beth. She was washing her hands and she just dried them off with a towel.

"Really?" She asked me. "I'm going to ask his name, maybe I will finally find that special person." I said confidently. She walked over to me and smiled, "I am happy for you, Mike." I smiled at her and left the kitchen.

"Here you go!" I said to the cute boy. "Thanks!" He said and began walking to the table where the 4 teenagers were sitting. "I, uh, never got your name." I said to him.

He turned around and smiled, "Will Byers." I smile at his name. Will Byers, Will Wheeler, better yet Mike Byers. "My name is Michael. Mike Wheeler." I said. He smiled and I smiled back.

He stood there for a few seconds before he broke the silence. "Do you want to meet my friends? You can be our friend too," He said. "I don't have any friends, so of course." I said and followed him to his table.

I saw Beth standing in the kitchen smiling at me. I smiled back and blushed a little. I'm going to have friends, I've never had friends before. More importantly, this cute stranger offered to be my friend.

We got to a table with 6 seats and he motioned for me to sit down in one. I sat down in the one that was facing a girl with really short brown hair. Everyone was staring at me, expect Will.

"Here are your cupcakes," Will said and handed the girls the cupcakes. "And here is your shake," Will said and put the shake in between the two boys and gave them two straws. I guess they are sharing the drink.

Will started drinking his water. It was very awkward because no one was talking. A few moments later a girl with long ginger hair decided to speak up. "What's your name?" She asked me.

"It's Mike," I said. "Oh, okay. Hello Mike, my name is Max and this is my girlfriend-" She said but was interrupted by the girl with the short hair. "Eleanor." She said softly. "You can call her El, for short." Max said.

The two girls exchanged looks and looked back at me. "I'm Lucas," the African American boy said. "And this is Dustin." He said pointing to a curly haired boy next to him. "And you already know me," Will said half way finishing his water.

I saw that Max had stuffed that cupcake down Her throat. While El, has only taken three small bites. I turn to the boys who are slurping the milkshake. But I turn around to see that Eleanor's nose was bleeding! "Oh my god!" I yelled and got some napkins from the front counter.

I quickly ran back to the table and gave El the napkins. "Here let me help," I said. "No, it's fine really. She has nosebleeds a lot. Almost four times a day," Max said while helping El.

They all looked at each other like something bad just happened. "Uh, can we tell you something?" Will asked me. "Sure," I said.

Will nodded at Max and she began to speak, "Eleanor, has special abilities. And her name isn't really Eleanor."

"Abilities? What kind of abilities?" I asked. " Telekinesis, Telepathy, you know shit you can do with your mind." Max said. "What's her name then?" I asked Max. She looked at El.

El showed me her arm which had a small tattoo that's says, "011" I gasp in shock, "Is that permanent?" El nodded.

"What does it mean? Eleven?" I asked El. She pointed to her chest and said, "Eleven,"

"She doesn't speak much." Will said. "Your name is Eleven?" I asked her. She nodded. "Cool," I said. "So, how old are all of you? I'm 16." I said.

"I'm 15, Dustin is 16, Lucas is 17, El is 16, and Max is 15." Will said. "Interesting," I said nodding my head. "So I assume you two are dating and you two are dating?" I say pointing to Max and El, and Dustin and Lucas.

Eleven nods her head. "Yup," Dustin says while drinking the shake. "You guys seem pretty cool. I'm lonely, and I have no friends." I tell them. "Would you like to be our friend, Mike?" I hear Will. I turn to him and stare.

Wait! Will's eyes just dilated when he was looking at me. Does that mean something? I mean he is a new friend. I don't even know if he is gay. His friends are gay, no doubt about that.

I think I have found that special person.


(A/N: Hey everyone! Here is today's one shot! It's pretty long and it's turning into a book oops. Anyway hope everyone enjoyed this one shot!)

Love and Light 💜

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