"That's it, good boy" I praise him.

"Do you want a snack?" I ask him once he fully woke up and he nods his head 'yes'. I take him into the kitchen and asked if dad could take him while I make him a snack, but he clung onto me.

"Come on, I'm in the same room, I'm not going anywhere" I try and soothe him.

"Hmm" he whines as he still wouldn't let go.

"Baby, I'm not leaving the room" I tell him.

"No" dad and I both sigh before I tell dad to just take him.

"Ok, come 'ere bud" dad says as he takes Blaine from me.

"AAAAHHHH" he sobs as he reaches out for me.

"No, come on now" dad soothes him as he bounces him in his arms while walking around the kitchen. I make Blaine a snack and do him a sippy cup full of juice.

"AAAHHH" he sobs again. I place his bowl of snacks and cup onto the table before taking him from dad and trying to place him in his chair. Again, after a few more attempts, I managed to put a sobbing Blaine into his high chair.

"Ughnn" he whines as he points at me.

"No baby, you need to eat some food and then I'll hold you again, I'm not going anywhere, I'll sit next to you" I tell him as I took a seat next to Blaine to show him that I'm literally not going anywhere. I mean all of his crying and gestures are starting to get on my nerves, it's be a few days later after the incident and he's still upset, I know he's little and probably scared but I've got to be patient with him, but it is kinda hard for me as all he will do is constantly cry and whine.

He soon eats his food and Sebastian comes through just as I was getting Blaine out of his seat after I cleaned him up.

"Hey" Bas greets.

"Hey, I just want to apologise for having you up for the last few nights and keeping you awake" I tell him as Blaine laid his head on my shoulder.

"It's fine, honestly, perhaps tonight, we try something, when Blaine wakes up, one of us goes to him and not both even if he's calling out for the other person, and then we switch later on, so we still get our sleep" he suggests.

"That sounds like a plan, that way we can still get our sleep in" I tell him.


"Hey bud, is it a wanting daddy day?" Sebastian coos to him and Blaine just whines.

"Do you wanna go play?" He asks.

"Daddy will be there too" I reassure him. He nods his head 'yes' and so we walk into the living room and sit down on the floor.

"What do you want to play?" I ask and he just shrugs.

"What about your animal puzzles?" Sebastian suggests, again Blaine nods his head 'yes'. Bas gets up and grabs a few puzzles to play with. He comes back and sits down next to me.

"Ok, you pick which one we should start with" Bas tells him. He points to one and so we start with that one first.

"Where does the frog go?" I ask him and he points to the right one.

"Good boy" I praise as I pass the piece to him so he could put it in.

"What about this one?" Bas asks as he had a duck in his hand.

"Good job" Bas praises as he kisses his cheek before passing that piece to him for him to do. We do a few more puzzles until the door goes, I see Blaine tense up and crawl back into my lap, hiding in my chest.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now