Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

***One Week Later***

“What are you guys doing?” I ask El and Louis when I enter the apartment.  I see Louis on a ladder with orange lights stringing them across the wall.

“Decorating for Halloween!” El responds

“It’s only October 1st” I say and start going through some boxes of decorations.

I find spider webs, cauldron pots, skulls and skeletons, witches brooms. Halloween threw up all over this box! I look to my right and see a small bowl of candy corn and am suddenly extremely gravitated towards it.

“I wouldn’t eat them if I were you. Those candies are about three years old.” Louis says

“Why do you guys have three year old candy?” I ask and I’m slightly disappointed

“Cause nobody eats them. They bought them when I first moved in with them because they thought I liked them. But nope!” Harry butts in from behind me. “How was work?” He asks me.

“Same old same old” I respond and give him a kiss which makes him smile.

“Hey Niall called and be wants us to come over tonight.” Harry says while looking through another one of Els many boxes.

“What time do they want us over?” I ask

“Around five-ish and El, Perrie told me to tell you not to bring anything”

El just laughs and shakes her head and mumbles something about that never happening.


“So when do we get to see pictures?” Niall asks.

We arrived at their place half an hour ago and right now we are just sitting around and eating chips in the kitchen while Liam makes burgers and hotdogs out on the balcony.

“Pictures of what?” I ask with my mouth full of chips

“The baby of course!” he yells. Harry told me that he told the guys the night he found out. I wasn’t mad of course, better him than me.

“You want to see the sonogram pictures?” I find that a little shocking

“Of course! I need to see what kind of football player I’m going to be training!” He says with excitement

“Hey what if it’s a girl!” Harry says next to me

“She can still play football.” He says

I pull out my wallet and take the picture out and hand it to Niall. His lips rise into a slight smile.

“It’s going to be a boy I can tell.” He says and then passes the picture to Perrie.

“I think it’s going to be a girl.” Perrie says and then passes it to El and the picture then manages to get around the whole group.

El, Perrie, Louis, and Zayn all thought it was going to be a girl. While Niall and Liam thought it was going to be a boy. “I’ll make a bet with you.” Niall purposes “If it’s a boy you have to get him playing football but, if I’m wrong then I have to buy you a crib.” He says cockily

“Cribs are pretty expensive and it would be great for someone else to pay for it. Deal.” And with that we shake hands on it.

We spend the rest of the night playing, listening, and making music. We talk about the future.

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