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This mentions rape and abuse, just a warning hope you enjoy it.

~Maria's POV~

I struggled to lace the back of my dress. Usually I could do this by myself, but this was a new dress and for some reason I just couldn't do it. I heard a light knock on the door, followed by the quiet voice of my girlfriend. "Maria love, are you done? I need to get dressed". I sighed before opening the door. "Oh. Sorry!" She quickly covered her eyes.

I moved her hands, "It's okay sweetie. I um actually need some help" I motioned to my open dress, she smiled happy to help. I on the other hand was terrified. I loved Peggy with all my heart, but I have a secret. It's the reason she hasn't seen me undressed though we've been dating for a year. She knew I was in an abusive relationship before we met, but she didn't know the extent of it. She didn't need to.

~Peggy's POV~

I was lacing up my beautiful girlfriend's dress. I was kind of excited she always asked me to step out of the room before she changed. I saw a weird mark on her back it was a bunch of random numbers and letters. I ran my fingers over it, it didn't feel like a tattoo. What was it?

~Maria's POV~

I shivered as I felt delicate fingers over it. " Maria, what is this?" my sweet little Peggy asked. I felt tears streak my cheeks as I took her hand and led her over to our bed. " Oh dear, I"m sorry! Please don't cry".

I smiled at her, "Pegs I need to explain something to you", she nodded softly stroking my hand with her thumb. "Before we met I was married to a man. He was not a good man, but he was a wealthy man and my father wasn't. He was charming at first, treating me like a princess. Everything was perfect until two weeks after our wedding. H-He took me out drinking a-and-" The tears fell down more, but were kissed away by my sweet girlfriend who was urging me to continue. "He introduced me to a friend of h-his. The man g-gave him money a-and r-raped me. A-after James gave me this mark, s-so everyone would know I was his p-property. He kept forcing me to s-seduce m-men and take their m-money and if I resisted he b-beat me". I collapsed into sobs, covering my face with my hands. I felt a soft tingle on the mark, I looked up to see my amazing girlfriend kissing the spot. "P-pegs?"

"Maria, you are beautiful no matter what. I love you and I always will. You are not property. You are my gorgeous girlfriend and I'm sorry some idiotic man put you through all of that" I smiled at her through tears before tackling her on the bed. 
        "I love you baby girl~. Thank you, for always being her for me" I kissed her adorable face all over before connecting our lips. She kissed me back and I melted into the kiss as my fears melted away. Instead of her helping me put my dress on she helped take it off and I gladly returned the favour. That girl is mine and I love her with all my heart, she is my other half.

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