
Jordan opened the front door and pushed it so the kids could get into the house.

The kids ran in and went straight to the living room area.

"Alright kids, stay here and I'll bring your guys's after school snack!" Jordan said enthusiastically.

She walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and brought out the caramel apples she had made an hour ago.

Jordam walked back out and set it on the clear glass coffee table.

"Here you go," she let out a breath and took a caramel apple off the square plate.

"If you guys want more, I made enough for you guys to each have two."

The two kids both got an caramel apple each and began to eat it while sitting on the floor.

Jordan watched as they began to talk about Spiderman. She was glad they had something to bond over.

After finishing her caramel apple, she took their school bags and placed into neatly next to the couch.

"So what do you guys feel like doing?" Jordan placed a hand on her hips as she looked down at the children.

"After this, can we go to the neighborhood park?" Kamryn asked.

"Please mommy, please! We want to play outside." Kamryn begged. Her pleading eyes made Jordan soften.

Jordan looked over at Chance who grinned at her in hopes his smile would make her agree. His dad always told him his smile would charm the ladies.

Jordan smiled, "okay."

They finished up their caramel apples and told jordan that they're going to bring some things with them.

Jordan patiently waited for them on the arm of the couch until they came downstairs.

When Chance and Kamryn were downstairs, they all exited the house and walked to the park since it wasn't too far.


Four o'clock came faster than Jordan could keep up.

She checked the time and it was already twenty minutes past four. Below, Jordan had a few text notifications.

They were from Ethan saying he was on his way now.

Her eyes widened, he had sent the text thirty minutes ago. She shut her phone off and looked up to see the kids still playing on the playground.

"Kamryn! Chance! It's time to go home." She shouted.

The kids looked towards Jordan with a frown, they didn't want to leave yet.

She watched the children make their way to her and frowned. "I'm sorry guys," she apologized before walking back home.

"Chance, your dad should be there when we get back." Jordan smiled.

Chance was great company to Kamryn and Jordan would want him to come again soon...and she knew that Kamryn would like that too.

Chance simply nodded his head and when they got back to the house, Jordan was right. Ethan was already there.

"Where did you guys go? I've been waiting for five minutes!" Ethan exclaimed.

"We went to the park. Five minutes isn't that long, chill."

Ethan ignored her comment, "oh, okay."

Chance ran up to his dad and Ethan picked him up, engulfing him in a huge hug.

Jordan had this weird feeling at the pit of her stomach at the sight. She ignored it as Ethan began to load Chance in the car.

Kamryn and Jordan said goodbye to the two and walked into the house.

She spotted Chance's school bag near the couch and her eyes widened.

"Kamryn, wait in here. Chance forgot his bag." Jordan picked it up, hoping they didn't leave yet.

She hurried out the door to see Ethan's car still out front getting ready to leave.

She ran over to Ethan's side and he rolled down the window. "Yes?" Ethan questioned.

"Chance's bag." She let out a breath from running.

Ethan chuckled, "tired from that short trip?"

Jordan rolled her eyes with a small smile on her lips, "can he come tomorrow too?"

Ethan gave her a look before turning his body so he was looking at his son.

"You wanna come here again tomorrow?" Ethan asked.

Chance nodded his head excitedly, "yes please, dad!"

Ethan smiled at his son before turning back to Jordan. "I'll pick him up around the same time."

"Please be responsible and be at the house next time I get here." Ethan winked.

Jordan narrowed her eyes at him, bending down a bit so their faces were closer.

"We were at the park! I am responsible, Ethan. Don't even go there anymore."

"Why not? I'm just stating that you should be on time like every other responsible person."

Jordan groaned, "you're really getting on my nervous you fu-" Jordan's eyes flicked at the back to see Chance staring at her.

Her eyes met Ethan's again. He had the same smirk on his face he did when they first met, she wanted to slap it off his face.

"Look asshole, we can just equally be responsible okay? It's settled, no more making me irritated about this shit, and I'll stop too." Jordan whispered at the cuss word.

She was very annoyed with Ethan, but Ethan didn't feel the same at the moment.

He liked seeing her get mad and irritated at him. He found it cute since Jordan was short and the way her face just looked when she was mad made him feel all weird inside.

"I'll think about it,"

"Now move or I'll run your feet over." He finished bluntly.

Jordan's eyes widened and she backed away. Ethan rolled his window up and drove off quickly. She stared at the back of Ethan's car, glaring.

Ethan will never fail to get on her nerves at least once a day.

Jordan walked back into her house to find her daughter playing with her toys. She smiled softly and sat on the couch, watching Kamryn.

At this time, both single parents thought about each other.

Just simple thinking.

hi, this chapter was shitty.
i wanna know how it was for you guys (:
i start school in a few weeks fuck

single parentsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें