Chapter 2 : Why Did I Say Yes?

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Of course by vacation I meant chilling and eating all the lemonade bubbles from the buffet but here I am getting yelled at by a peg legged short tempered pirate except someone decided it would be a good idea to make him captain. Now me and three other people looking for a job with good pay were getting yelled at for the small smear on window #7,3o7. He went on and on and on about how their was 8,974,0o2 windows on the submarine and how it was up to us to keep the windows sparkling clean so that the passengers can watch the scenery fly by, and how one of us had to go out and clean it up. Just like the responsible people we are we pulled straws. Of course I ended up with the shortest because what vacation is complete without freezing to death in warmish water. The room with all the supplies is at the bottom of the submarine because who wants to look at old mops and dusty brooms when they could be searching the ocean for hours trying to catch even the tiniest glimpse of a mermaids hair or see the shadow of her tail as she whizzes by. But to get there you have to go out to the main hall, through the doors behind the buffet, through the tiny crack in the wall were a door used to be but they covered it up due to extreme curiosity of the passengers, over the cabinet filled with dead jellyfish, and through the door behind the puppy bin or you could go to the ships hull and go through the 2nd door to your right or is that the kitchen cause I can never tell the difference. Well anyways the only suit that was self heating that they had was 10 sizes too big so every time I moved the rubber on rubber squeak sounded like a dyeing Dolwras. The suit was more of a bubble the a suit from the size and the only gravity flippers were way to a point where my walk was more of a waddle then a walk because it hurt to move the muscles in my leg. The goggle fit just right but the rubber edge had come off so the medina edge was cutting into the skin and starting to draw blood so I had to move fast but the waddle was slowing me down so it was more slow than normal. The only cleaning supply they had on board that didn’t hurt the water was a weird orange concoction that was labeled “water” witch I’m pretty sure it’s not from the foaminess and bubbling you get from mixing baking powder and vinegar together but the sure sign of it not being water was the illuminating smell of anchovies and barakin algae but it was the only thing that would work so I grabbed that and a half eaten mop and fell into a small pool of freezing water that lead to the sea. As soon as I hit the water I immediately regretted doing a belly flop. Who ever created the tunnels is a huge jerk because that place is like a maze. The tunnels are pretty much air vents but with no air or light. I left the flashlight next to where the orange solution was because I thought I wouldn’t need but I was proven wrong.

Most of the vents were dead ends or it was just really long and confusing and then there was a dead end.  Even if I had a map it would take me FOREVER to get anywhere.

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