Chapter 1--under water

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The sound of the car speeding through the wind, and the air blowing on your face makes life seem a little less violent. If only it was. My name is Abby, and this is my story.

It was a hot Saturday evening, and my family was going to the local pool. It was only down the street, but my dad drove anyway. Although it was only about a 4 minute drive, I felt like it was an hour drive because every time I rode in the car with my 12 year old brother Justin, he always made it a little more annoying, but thankful my parents finally got him a phone. I still worry about what he do on all that social media.

We finally arrived and it was completely packed. We where almost out of luck for seats, but thankfully we found some."C'mon Abby let's get in, Justin said through all the excitement. Ok let's go Justin. We both jump in at the same time. Afterwards we get a small applaud from a small group of people in the corner of the big pool.

After an hour of being at the crowded pool, me and Justin decided to have a"who can hold there breath the longest" compition. We did this with a few other people. We had our mom count us down from three. Three........ Two......... One. And on one we all went under. We were under the water for about five seconds before the unecpected happened. I felt my breath giving out so I started to climb up but before I couldn't , I felt a ton of wait lower on my back in a crash. I sunk to the bottom quickly hitting my head on the hard concrete flooring at the bottom. The weight didnt light up, I couldn't move, and before I knew it my eyes closed. But....... They opened right back. I was still under water, but the wait was gone. The water sound silent and felt steady. I rushed to the top almost forgetting I can't breath underwater. As I reached the top that seemed forever away, my eyes grew wide. My heart dropped completely. I couldn't believe it. There I was alone in an open body of water. I....... I was in the middle of the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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