I did exactly as he said and he taps out seconds later.

"That was good!" We high five as we untangle from the hold and sit across from each other.

What had started out as a basic gym session turned into Dean and I teaching or helping each other perfect moves.

I cross my legs and lean back on my hands as Dean wipes away some sweat. I look at the clock on the wall and gasp.

"We were here for like three hours and most of it was spent wrestling." I tell him.

"Oh well." Dean shrugs before standing up and offering me his hand. I gladly accepted and he pulls me up. "It's good to just have fun once in a while. Even when it's just practicing moves."

"You never wanna be unprepared." I chuckled and he nods.

"So it's about twelve in the afternoon I think." Dean checks his phone and nods. "Want to go get lunch?"

I nod immediately. I'm starving.

"Let's head back to the rooms." He says and we both begin to walk out the gym. "What time should we meet in the lobby to leave? Also where do you want to go."

I knew for sure I didn't want to go anywhere where I had to dress up. I also knew I needed a shower.

I check the time to see it is 12:10.

"How about one? I want a shower." He nods understandingly. "Also let's go somewhere that doesn't require me having to put effort. Like Taco Bell or Salad Works."

"I'm good with Taco Bell." He decides and I nod." Also you never need to try, you're beautiful."

A blush creeps up my face along with a smile. "You're to nice to me Jonathan."

He grimaced. "Ew why did you say that name. Always call me Dean."

I chuckled before nodding softly. "See you later Jonathan."


Four days had passed by and it is now Monday. Dean and I's date after the gym was fun and we laughed a lot. Would you call it a date? It was just us hanging out and talking mostly.

During the next four days though we both just went to the gym everyday and then accompanied it with a lunch. We were together practically all day for the past four days and it was amazing. We seemed to just get closer every day.

Now I'm sitting in the locker room putting away my stuff before I go see Stephanie about my story line with Carmella. Dean had given me a pep talk on the way to the arena. I was nervous because this could go very bad or actually really good. I, of course, felt like it was going to be bad and Dean had to step in. I always thought of the worst and never the best.

I'm so thankful for him.

Though our relationship has just started, I'm happy with him. It was fast how we got together but now that we're together, we are now going slow. We haven't even kissed! Yet we've had so many dates. Is that normal? What is normal?

Dating is so confusing and from what Dean has told me so far about his past, he probably has no idea about relationships as well. I've only been in one relationship and it was back in college and was very brief. I barely remember the guy.

One thing I do know is, I really want to kiss him. Yet I want the moment to not only be perfect for me, but for him. I've been ready but I'm not sure if he has.

Though this relationship is quite weird, which I don't mind, I'm still happy with how everything is going. I can't wait to see our relationship progress and us getting closer.

It's a journey I'm ready for. Even for the ups and downs that will come with it.

With a heavy sigh, I stand up from my seat in the locker room and walk out. I begin to make my way down to Stephanie's office.

I see Dean and Roman on the way and I wave at them.

Roman smiles back.

Dean smiles back before quickly jogging up to me. "Good luck and I'll be here when you're done."

"Thanks babe." I say before he gives me a kiss on the cheek and jogs back to Roman.

I continue walking and I finally make it to her office. Her office was actually very close to the guerilla. It's crazy how they make them an entire office for just a day and it's taken down as soon as the show ends.

These workers will forever amaze me.

I stare at the door and shake the nerves from my body.

This conversation could be career changing. I know I'm being dramatic but when the manager speaks to you directly, this is actually serious. If it wasn't, they would have someone tell me the news.

Let's just hope she has good news.

With a sigh, I open a door and paint a smile over my face.

"Hello Alexandria."


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