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When Bruce's eyes blink open, Tony has collapsed against him, and he's panting heavily.

It's a little while before Tony does any moving. When he does, it's to lazily wrap his arms over Bruce's shoulders.

"God, I love you so much," he says into Bruce's ear as his cheek presses warmly against Bruce's shoulder. Bruce moans his agreement, being careful not to move. Tony is still fully seated inside him, and he is starting to feel the sting. Bruce looks down into Tony's eyes as he listens and tries to release slow, steady breaths.

"I just... there was a time when- we thought we might not ever have this, and- I'm just so proud. Of you. Of us. Of where we've gotten, and. Where we'll go."

Bruce isn't certain, but he thinks that in the glint of the arc reactor he can see small tears shining in Tony's eyes. He simply grins.

"I am, too, Tony. But, uh- could we maybe..."

Bruce shifts a little and grimaces at the feeling, and Tony's eyes blow wide. "Oh! Shit, sorry."

Carefully, Tony sits up, tending to Bruce's needs all the while. He cleans up their chests lovingly, taking time to ponder Bruce's skin. But, his eyes are downcast as Bruce watches him. Then, his voice is barely a mumble when he says, "Oh and um, sorry for kind of finishing first, there. I got a bit carried away."

He looks up at Bruce, and his lips wear a smirk, but his eyes are wide and vulnerable.

Bruce smiles, carding one hand through Tony's hair and running the other across his shoulder. He gets Tony to look at him, and then he presses a soft kiss to his lips.

"I don't mind. It was wonderful. Every time has been wonderful, Tony. I don't know how we got here, either, but. Thank you for trusting me the way that you have. It really means a lot to me."

Tony gets a little quiet after that, but it's comfortable.

"Besides," Bruce jokes, "I've spent years working on my control. Maybe now it's time that we work on yours."

"Shut up," Tony retorts, but he's chuckling hard enough that he shakes softly against Bruce's chest.

The balance between them is something they'll always have to work on. But, as long as they have each other, then that's alright. They can do anything.

- The End -

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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