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Lou sighed loudy and mentally kicked herself for not bringing that stupid umbrella with her. She was standing next to a small store and wistfully watched people loitering through the streets with colorful umbrellas over their heads.

She was so close to holding the bag over her head like they do in the movies and run back home. She made a step and then she heard the voice, the voice that helped her fall asleep when she had nightmares and the one that calmed her down when she had to go to sleep alone for the first time.

She turned around and there he was standing in wrickled, untucked shirt with rolled up sleeves and collar askew with smile playing on his chapped lips as if nothing ever happened. As if he didn't leave her alone for 6 months with memories of him on every corner and a few phone calls over the week. And when she ran up to him with tears in her eyes, he didn't stop her, he just opened his arms and welcomed her and suddenly...suddenly everything felt right.

"Should I even ask if you missed me?"

She just hit him in the shoulder instead of answering and hugged him tighter.

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