I never thought I could feel sorry for someone yet want to beat the crap out of them at the same time

Tony's P.O.V

"Tony... Tony... TONY WAKE THE*Insert prefered swear word* UP!"

I fall out of bed with a non-graceful thump, attempting to untwist myself from my blankets. Anna, who was the one screaming at me, intervenes  and, in one single motion, untangles me. 

"Whowhatwherewhenwhyhow?" I say as I jump off, brushing the always present sawdust of the hephaestus cabin, still not fully awake.

"Charly's gone."

I'm fully awake now. "WHAT?"

"She wasn't in her cabin this morning. We have people looking all over camp."

I run out in my pyjama bttoms and no shirt on.

Anna follows me. We're calling her name and checking everywhere she had any intrest in the day before. We met up with a few other teams, including Lizzie and Veikko, and all had nothing. We continue to search until it's noon, and lunch and a emergency meeting after, is called.

"You go ahead, I'll catch up,"

Anna puts her hand on my shoulder, "she's gone. Wherever she is, it isn't here."

"No... She wouldn't... I know her... She wouldn't leave without saying something." I've been watching Charly since she arrived at Mercury high. I could always tell when she was about to do something big because she'd drop hints into her actions. I would have noticed walking to her cabin if she was leaving.

"Let's get lunch." Lizzie says. I nodfollow them

Due to the circumstances, I'm allowed to sit with my friends. All tables were mixed. Everything was chaos thown together.  I don't eat much of my food. I was listening to conversations. The majority of them involve "Percy... Jason... Romans... Gaea... War... Kronos..." From what I can gather, last time someone dissapeared, a war followed.

No one mentions anything about Charly's safety.

All the heads of cabins (with the exeption of Lizzie, Anna, Veikko and I) gather in the camp's "boardroom" (otherwise known as the game room, using the ping pong table as a table). 

"So we all know why were here." Chiron starts "Charly McAdams has disappeared and we all know what happened last time a camper disappeared." Everyone looks at the Poseidon kid, Percy, who mumbles something along the lines of "Hera's fault". "Anyways Charly isn't has well trained as Percy is so we need to find her soon. We have four witnesses here." He points to us.

Witnesses, he makes it sound like she's dead.

"Can you tell us the last time you saw Charly?"

We all tell the same story. We walked Charly back to her cabin after capture the flag then went to our own. Well... Veikko stays quiet, nodding to confirm things.

After we finish another camper comes in. He's covered in hay and smells like poop.

"Erm... I have a message for Veikko." He says "Featherhorn is gone."

Everyone looks surprise and someone gasps. I have no idea what's going on.

"Who's Featherhorn?" I whisper to Lizzie.

"His Pegasus." She seems surprise "He never leaves camp without Veikko... Never."

Strangely... Veikko didn't seem too surprised.

"Veikko... Is there something you'd like to say?" Chiron asked politely.

"Remember that time where we heard the screams from the forest? He broke out to try and help. I bet, that if Charly went in that direction, I assume crying or distraught in some form, he would do all he could to help her."

The table was silent for a second.

"So, you think Charly is somewhere out there, flying on yur horse, with no clue what she's doing." Percy broke the silenc with.

Veikko nods. I get more light headed with each movement up and down.

"I think we should send people after her." Connor says "Not as a formal quest... More as a rescue mission."

"That seems fair." Chiron says "Any volunteers?"

"Me" Lizzie, Anna, Veikko and I all said at the same time.

"Hmm." Chiron thinks "Veikko's experienced, Anna can heal, Lizzie's smart, and Tony knows Charly. Sounds good to me. There are pre-packed bags ready."


Half an hour later, Argus, the head of security, drives us to N.Y.C to give us a head start.

"So... Now what?" I ask.

Daughter of time- Percy Jackson fanfic CANCELLEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora