Chapter 10

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I know I'm outside because the cold and darkness cling to me. I begin to panic when I can't see, until I realize there's a bag over my face. There were no holes in it, so the air felt thin. Every few seconds, I feel a hard force hit some part of my body, making me wince every time, trying to curl into a small enough ball until I can't be seen anymore. After every time something makes contact with me, cheers erupt. Finally, they pull the bag off my face. I clench my eyes and take deep breaths, my lungs no longer feel like they're suffocating.

"Wait until she gets up," I familiar voice says. Everyone falls silent, waiting for me to move. I stay on the ground for a few more seconds until, I take on last shaky breath, open my eyes and stand up.

"What the f-," I shout.

They were campers. Mostly older ones. There were about 20 of them, all were looking at me with disgust, as if I was a piece of gum on the bottom of their shoes. The one who I think is leading them, I reconized. He sat at Veikko's table, the Ares cabin. He had bown hair in a buzzcut with eyes that matched the colour. His biceps were as thick as a few trees that surrounded us. I'm amazed I was still alive, since he was the one beating me up, Although I could already feel bruises forming.

"You don't belong here." He says. "You don't belong anywhere."

I've heard those words before. I've heard them so many times before...

"J-just leave me alone. Its not my fault."

"Your kind don't belong here." Someone from the crowd adds. Cheers follow

"Does anyone else want a go?" The leader says. Almost all hands went up, screaming trying to get his attention.
"Er... You there. Victor."

The pit in my stomach rises to my throat. My heart begins to beat faster. I see who he's pointing at, and it makes me want to puke.

"It's Veikko," Veikko says as he takes a step forward. With each step, the fear melts and changes into anger. I sare at him with the meanest, cruelest look I can fashion. He doesn't return it.

He picked me up and whispered in my ear.

"In the stables there's a horse named Featherhorn. He'll know what to do. Now-"

The last few words were lost to te high pitched squals of me kicking him in the balls. Once he in crumoled in the ground I run off to where-I hope- the stables are.

Tears follow me like a trail of old memories.

The stables are a low wooden building that stink, obviously, like horse poop, hay, and god knows what else. The animals are arranged alphabetical, making my job a lot easier, since there are easily over 50 horses, and a few more empty stalls.


Featherhorn's a beautiful horse. She has white fur with a few speckles of black here and there. Her mane has the texture of feathers and made a bit of a bump on her forehead, almost like a horn (very original name I see). Its wings are the same colour as her fur, with more wings than, I believe, the average Pegasus has. It looked at me, not daring to move

"Veikko said you could help." Am I really talking to a horse?

At the mention of Veikko, Featherhorn gets excited, like it finally was able to do something.

I open his stable door and awkwardly manage to climb on (with help from the step stool in the corner). Immediately he stared running down the stables to the far end. Past g, h, I, etc.  We burst out the doors and started flying. Just as I'm above the clouds and out of site, I can hear my attackers come out of the forest.

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