Chapter 1

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"Come on down, Margo!" Gru called up the stairs. "We're all waiting for you!"

"Coming!" Margo called down, and they could hear her running down the hall, to the stairs.

It was family movie night, and the whole family, minus one, was already situated on the couch, waiting to begin.

Margo ran down the stairs, and sat down next to her sisters. Gru popped in the disc that they had rented into the DVD player, and sat down next to his wife on the couch.

As the movie began, the girls were focused on the action playing out onscreen, but Gru was focused on Lucy. Her hair was still damp, and hanging onto her shoulders. She was dressed in her teal nightgown, with her teal cardigan to match. She snuggled up to him, and he started playing with her hair.

The movie was cute, but held little interest for most of the family. Agnes was deeply intrigued, and Lucy seemed to be enjoying it. Gru was focused on his wife's hair, and Margo and Edith were becoming more and more intrigued by what he was doing.

By the end of the movie, Lucy and Agnes were sitting on the floor, and Gru, along with his two eldest daughters, was on the couch. When the credits began to roll, Lucy noticed her hair. She held up her phone as a mirror and looked at it.

"Woah! This looks really nice!" She said, impressed. "I didn't know that you could braid like that!"

Gru shrugged, but he was smiling.

"Agnes was upset that I couldn't braid her hair a few months after she got here, and so I watched YouTube tutorials until I became really good at it." He said. "Obviously, before they got here, I had no real reason to know how."

At this, he gestured to his bald head, and all the girls giggled.

"Well, thank you, honey!" Lucy exclaimed. "I love it!"

Just then, Gru's phone started buzzing. He looked down, and saw the message displayed on the screen.

"We're needed at the AVL." He said, suddenly, a look of urgency in his eyes.

"Now?" His wife asked.

"Now." He replied. "Valerie said that it's high priority."

Their daughters looked disappointed. This was supposed to be family night.

"I'm sorry girls." He apologized. "We wouldn't go if we didn't have to."

The three of them nodded, understanding the situation, but still not liking it.

The couple tucked their girls into bed for the night, and told a few minions to keep an eye on things until they got back.

"His name is The Troublemaker." Valerie said.

They were both in the briefing room in the Anti-Villain League headquarters.

"He's been mostly involved in petty theft." Valerie continued.

"Petty theft?" Gru asked. "Well, then why is he on our list? The local police can handle that."

"I said, mostly." Valerie continued, slightly irritated at his interruption. "During his most recent heist, he stole millions of dollars in equipment."

"What kind of equipment?" Lucy asked.

"Construction." Valerie answered.

Both of them looked at her, confused.

"I know. It doesn't make sense, and it doesn't even match up with his other crimes. He's been linked to many robberies, along with several prison breaks."

"It doesn't add up." Lucy muttered, pondering this all. "What does he steal?"

"Lots of things. Food, electronics, clothing." She replied.

"What does he look like?" Gru asked. "How old is he?"

"We've never gotten a good shot of him, but in the little bit that we have, he appears to be a young, very fit man." Valerie answered.

"So, tough in the physical department. Very strong and agile, I'm guessing?" Lucy inquired.

Valerie nodded.

"It also appears that he is also extremely intelligent. He has completely avoided us thus far, and his heists are elaborate, to say the least." Valerie continued. "We need the two of you on the case as soon as possible.

"Where should we even start?" Gru asked.

"We have a ship for the two of you to take as soon as we are done here. We have a list of his possible bases for you to check out." She replied.

The couple nodded in understanding.

"Good. You may leave immediately. You won't be able to check them all before coming back here. The ship is relatively small, and you'll need to come back and refuel."

They both nodded, but groaned on the inside. This was going to be a long case. Valerie always drove them harder than Silas did.

Hey! Hope you guys enjoy my new book! Real quick, I just wanted to mention that I published a chapter in A Day In the Life that glitched, and was posted as an empty document. I just wanted to let you all know that I fixed the problem, and that the chapter has been uploaded for real now.

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