Part 2

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Summary: So the reader is in Rivendell. Just so you know I am skipping Goblintown and the trolls.

You were speechless at the wonderous sight before you, Imaldris or as it's more commonly known Rivendell. Once you enter you are greeted by Lindir. You just stare in awe, you always sorta had a crush on Lindir in the Hobbit movie and there he was standing right in front of you. You were all introduced shortly after this to Lord Elrond by Gandalf.

During your stay there Lord Elrond and the rest of the elves had been very kind to you. You got to visit the libraries (being the book lover you are), with supervision of course, Erestor would have it no other way. While you were there you asked Erestor to teach you how to read, he reluctantly agreed. But he agreed nonetheless.(with some persuasion from Lord Elrond)

By the time you and the company snuck out of Rivendell, you were reading pretty well in the common language but not well enough. Bilbo promised to teach you more once they reclaimed the mountain. You were excited about being taught to read a new language.

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