Harry sick- for GeekyEmoWannabe

Start from the beginning

"It's cold in here on my own," Harry complained. Louis rolled his eyes teasingly but he could see that Harry was actually shivering now that he'd left the bed. He dumped all the boxes onto his side of the bed and crawled over top of Harry to reach into his sock draw to pluck out a thick pair for Harry's feet.

Then he pulled a long leg out from under the duvet and covered the foot on the end with a sock before moving onto the next. "There you go your majesty, is that better?"

Harry held his fingers a millimetre apart and shrugged, "don't know why I'm so cold all of a sudden."

"It's because you're sick, maybe you have a fever..." Louis frowned thoughtfully as he started to sift through all the boxes he'd found. Harry squirmed around to rest his head on Louis' lap. The body heat worked far better than any blanket ever could and the fact that it was Louis' made his chest warm up like he'd just had a hot cup of tea.

Louis fingers felt nice through his hair as he sneezed another couple of times and rubbed his reddening nose with a sleeve of his shirt. He could feel it starting to grow raw already.

"Alrighty Babe, take these two now and then we'll go again at lunch time," Louis hummed as he slid a sheet of pills out of their box and popped one out. He took out the second one too and then helped Harry sit up in order to swallow them without choking on the glass of water from the bedside table.

Unfortunately sitting up did nothing to help Harry's heavy head and he instantly flopped onto Louis' shoulder with a quiet whimper when it pulsed painfully right behind his eyes. The sharp pain only lasted a moment before going back to the dull ache it had been before.

"Eat up, you can have a lolly for your throat afterwards if you'd like. I can hear you straining your voice when you talk already," Louis said sympathetically. Harry nodded and took the two pills. Afterwards he threw the honey flavoured throat lolly into his mouth and leaned back against Louis, sniffling over and over. He needed a tissue but he couldn't be bothered.

"Would you like something to eat Haz? I can make something, or maybe a warm drink would be better on your throat?" Louis offered. He was more than happy to run around after Harry all day.
Harry just croaked out a quiet no thanks and yawned widely, squeaking as his throat stretched and the cool air made it feel like it had been scorched.
Louis squeezed Harry's leg sympathetically and patted his side, "hop back under the covers, I wanna stay in bed with you all day long Hazza."
Harry frowned as he blearily crawled back over to his side of the bed, "that sounds boring."
"What else do you feel like doing?" Louis chuckled.
Harry shrugged, "it's just a cold, we can still do what-" he paused and shoved his face under the covers to let out a string of soft sneezes. When he popped back up his eyes were watering, "whatever we want to do."
Louis smiled, just finding everything Harry did and said adorable. He loved Harry however he was but something about him being so cuddly and delicate had Louis' heart throbbing.

"I want to keep you warm." Louis got back under the covers with Harry and instantly their legs tangled together.
"I want to keep you entertained so that you don't get bored. Being in bed all day is boring for you Lou..." Harry whined.
"You could never bore me baby, just stop talking and close your eyes. It's still early anyway, maybe later you won't be quite so sniffly and then we'll go do something."
Harry sighed reluctantly but gave in, melting into Louis' side with a soft sound. Louis fiddled about with Harry's curls silently for a few minutes before he felt a shuddery breath course through Harry's body. Thinking he was about to sneeze, Louis leaned back and blindly smacked the beside table to try and find the box of tissues he knew was on there somewhere. All the medication he'd gotten out was in the way but he got there in the end, returning to Harry with a fresh tissue that smelled like baby powder.

Harry took another sudden breath and groaned. He opened his eyes and scrunched up his nose as it the itch grew stronger and stronger. It just wasn't working for him. Usually the whole stuck sneeze thing only happened with allergies but apparently today he was out of luck and it was happening anyway. Louis smiled and held out the tissue, "stuck?"
With a displeased nod and a twitch of his nostrils Harry took the tissue and rolled away from Louis to blow his nose. It was just one of those things, blowing his nose in front of people wasn't a huge fancy of Harry's and he tried to avoid it, even if it was just Louis. Even now he could feel blush burning across his cheeks.

The sneeze was still there though and Harry was not happy.
"Lou, it won't go..." He complained, feeling quite childish but too tired to care. He knew Louis wouldn't, or couldn't judge him, the older lad was a total sook when he was unwell too.

With his fingers Louis gently started massaging the top of Harry pink nose, making his way all the way down the sides of the bridge before Harry finally tore away and sneezed a strong triple into the tissue from before. He ripped his head back with a relieve sigh, "ah, thanks babe, that was awesome."
Louis laughed, "feels better now?"
"Loads," Harry replied with a smile, "you're pretty talented with those fingers of yours."
Louis bit his lip at the suggestive words and after a brief pause both boys burst out laughing, despite Harry's sounding a little more than congested and all kinds of painful. Soon Louis managed to gain control and pat the fit of coughs out of Harry before they snuggled back down in bed, even closer to each other than they had been before.

A few moment later Harry lifted his head and Louis thought he might need to soothe another sneeze out but Harry just rolled his eyes, "I'm bored. Can we go to the lounge or something?"
"I haven't been out there to turn the heater on yet Haz, it'll be freezing," Louis grimaced. He always got up before Harry and it was always an icebox down that end of the house in the winter. They didn't like to waste power and leave the heating system on overnight so he just turned it on every morning when he wakes. By the time Harry trots down into the kitchen half an hour later it's toasty warm.
"We can take the blankets?" Harry sniffled hopefully and wiped his damp eyes with his sleeves. He didn't think he could last another second just laying in bed, even with Louis there. His nose was stuffed and drippy, his head hurt and he kept sneezing himself awake. He wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep anyway.

Before Louis could stop him Harry rolled out of bed, dragging all the duvets and blankets up with him so that they sat like a cape on top of his shoulders. Apart from feeling tired and heavy he felt capable enough to make it to the lounge on his own so with a raspy giggle he took off down the hall, laughing as he heard Louis chasing after him.

It was definitely colder on the couch than it had been in the bedroom but with all the blankets cocooned around him Harry found that it was tolerable, even if it did make his nose run a little more. It would warm up soon anyway.

Louis came in a few minutes later, shaking his head in amusement.
"Did ya turn the heating on?"Harry questioned with a sneeze.
"Yeah, should be blasting soon enough," Louis answered as he plopped down at Harry's feet, "so what's there to do out here that we couldn't do in the nice and warm bedroom. Look, you're already shivering more."
Harry shrugged, "I'll survive. And I was thinking, maybe we could do a puzzle?"
Louis rolled his eyes with a fond smile, "which one, grandma?"
Harry grinned in response and Louis tickled the bottom of his feet as he stood back up, "forget I asked, I'll get your favourite."
"The one with the balloons?"
"And the lights, I know Babe."

So, there ya have it. Not sure if that's exactly what you had in mind with the request but this is what came of it. I hope you all enjoyed reading, have a good day and smile loads guys!
The next request is for: a reader who wishes to remain anonymous, that's fine with me!
I'll try update as soon as possible but I'm getting more tired so it's a lot more difficult, sorry lovelies, I'm gonna do my best for you all though :)

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