Summer Story

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It was Summer in 2008 when I first met him. He was alone under the tree sitting down, listening to music and seems like sleeping. I went near you and you woke up. You smiled at me and I smiled back. Something feels strange when I saw your smile. It feels like I saw you somewhere before. My hat suddenly flew away. You ran to reach it and give it to me. You told me to take care and introduced yourself to me. We sat at the tree you were sitting at for a while then talked. You keep on talking about how you love summer season, online video games and your favorite music. As I was listening to you, I realised how beautiful your eyes are, how your smile made my heart melt and how your cute your voice sounds. We talked there until sunset. You asked me where I was staying and you went there with me. You asked me to meet again and I agreed.

After that, we keep on meeting each other even though we met just recently. You always tell me you want to see me and want to be with me. We went to those places we haven't been. We talked about our lives as if we're childhood friends. You told me things I wanted to hear when I'm afraid. You cheered me up when I'm losing myself. You made me look after myself--scolding me when I'm sick because I'm not taking care of myself, getting mad at me when I came home late and telling me I'm worthy enough to live. You changed me.

But then one night you came at my house. You were drunk and crying. You hugged me tightly and asked me not to go. I was about to go back at my home. I was only there for a vacation. The start of the new semester is coming so I must go back home soon. My parents won't probably allow me to transfer because they know it was my dream to study at the school I'm studying at. You were begging me like a child holding my arms, crying. I hugged you and told you that I'll be back.

Years have passed and I haven't gone there again. Some people told my parents I had a relationship with someone--a stranger, who was him. I'm currently busy at my work and living alone wasn't that easy. My parents keep on asking me when will I bring someone in our home for marriage. I told them I wasn't ready but the truth is, it is only you that I want to be with. I couldn't stop thinking of you. Like every day, I think about you. It's been years since I last saw you and it feels like you're still here--in my heart.

I was looking for some relaxation this summer so I went to the nearest beach I can go at. I was looking at the people who were having fun and it makes me smile for a moment. Those families and people with friends who are diving in at the sea, enjoying the hot summer just like I did. I was just sitting at a tree, reading a book and looking at the people who were enjoying the summer. As I glanced back at the book, a disturbing shadow was blocking my view while I was reading. I looked up and it was you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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