Part 2

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They left the elevator to enter a large room that was split into three. The kitchen/dining room off to the left of the entrance, the living room front and center, and a super nice home gym setup on the right even having a fighting ring. Exiting the living room was a narrow hallway that led to two doorways. One to the master bedroom and the other to a guest. Each room having an adjoined bathroom. Parker leaned down, looking into Pyru's eyes, "don't worry, Danny and I will be sharing the master while you may take the guest."

he blushes softly his eyes darting from Parker to Danny "oh you two are..." his blush deepens "i think i love this country now." he mumbles as he looks around the penthouse. He smiles widely out at the scenery from above "as for the fighting it's a tempting offer, but i must pass i have a fighting style taught to me by my mother, it requires that i only know that fighting style for it to remain effective, but i wouldn't mind sparing" turning to look at the two he winks "would you mind if i change?" he walks off to the nearest room closing the door behind him or so he thought but it remained open enough to see in.

He removes his clothes and lets down his hair, the sun from outside radiates off his pale skin, his body very feminin, his shoulders small, but his chest filled out he even has a tight stomach with abs and a v line, and an hourglass figure. Turning his butt was full and round his balls could be seen from behind his spread legs as well as the tip of his dick and some of his shaft. Glancing around nervously he began to pull up a silken fabric panties that fit tightly around his butt and balls, bending over he grabs a pair of silken pants that resemble that of romani men, before reaching over and grabbing a black vest and putting on, the vest went down to his midriff and had no arms or button, sitting down he puts up his hair again before turning and leaving the room glancing at the two sheepishly "i hope i didn't take longs serah's"

Danny's eyebrow went up at his realization. "Glad to hear that helps you like this country more." The view from the top floor was magnificent. When Pyru went to change, Danny's gaze lingered on his back and he followed slightly to be in a position able to see him change through the slit. His tongue licking hungrily over his lips as he studied every inch of the curvy males figure.

Parker walked over to join him momentarily, hitting his chest and smirking. "I got an idea." The other nodded following his lead as they moved from the door to the gym. Both of them changing fast enough to get be standing in a pair of gym shorts by the time he came out of the room. Danny thin muscular frame looked slick and he had an almost invisible happy trail while Parker's muscles had been toned where they rippled with every move and his trail was far more visible. The two not seeming to mind being nearly nude in front of Pyru.

Pyru stops as he looks up his face turning a dark red as his eyes switch from the two traveling every inch of the guys body lingering on their chests, the torso and of course there crotch, becoming slightly arouses his surprisingly large cock becomes clearly visible as it begins to harden but he chided himself to try to make it go back down, becoming very flustered as he heads over to the two men.

Glancing to Danny then Parker he trys to speak but his voice is caught in his throat, shaking his head he clears his throat "so um.... whats with the... um get up?" he manages to get out shakily he smiles a sweet innocent smile though his eyes dart over the two "is that some sort of relaxation wear that you're wealthy wear in this country?" he glances over there shoulder at the gym, he's clearly flustered and his breathing has accelerated, there's a thudding noise from where his bag is stored he glances back "oh... um don't mind that" he calms his heart rate but remains flustered as he steps back a few steps realizing he had begun to lean into Danny "pardon me"

Danny and Parker glanced at one another grinning watching Pyru enjoy the view. Danny stepped closer, "Na, this is what we like wearing when we work out." One of his hands raked over the back of Pyru's back. "Nothing to be sorry about, your majesty." His eyes darted over to his luggage. "What could you possibly be hiding?" He sidestepped him, heading to his bag and crouching down to investigate.

Parker gracefully swooped over next to him, "You know it isn't nice to keep secrets." One of his arms slipped around Pyru's Waist as he sniffed along his neck. He could hear his heartbeat so clearly. Danny whipped around and snapped his fingers at Parker, continuing to hold the now unzipped bag.

A crystal ball flies out and nearly whacks Danny in the head. Pyru lifts his hand and it drifts to twirl in the center of his palm he looks at the two blushing slightly from embarrassment then the blush darkens when he realised he had been blushing a lot today " wasn't keeping secrets it's just....well it would be rather hard to explain this" he mumbles rather enjoying Parker's arm around his waist but he did give him a curious glance as Parker sniffed the nape of his neck, eyeing him for a moment, he returns his attention to Danny looking at the hand that had snapped at Parker, wheels turn in his head but he was finding it hard to focus on the oddities when he was holding his Weapon of choice while being in a room with two very beautiful men. His eyes linger for a moment on Danny before he realized he should say something or else look like a fool, blushing lightly he smiled "um... well your training gear looks um wonderful on you it's very pleasent" his skin tingles wear Danny has touched him he tilts his head at the sensation.

moving his upper half a bit away from Parker as to not hurt him he makes a movement, like water with his upper body while also moving his arm in a fluid pattern, the orb dances with the motions until he flings out his arm and it flies back into the bag, he glances at the two turning red when he noticed he is now leading into Parker, he coughs and steps a bit away covering his face with a hand "um... i...uh..." he looks at the two timidly unsure how to explain this.

Danny's eyes went wide as he dodged the item flying out of the bag before it could smack him in the face. "I think your crystal orb is gorgeous. No need to hide anything from us." He held open the bag closing it after the ball returned to its carrier. "Sorry for snooping."

The closer Pyru leaned to Parker the closer his lips drew to his neck. His fangs slowly revealing themselves as he planted them on his soft skin letting him feel their points. Danny shot up and ran to pull Parker away, only causing the two to sandwich the prince between their bare toned chests. Danny swotted at Parker, pulling Pyru into his arms taking a heavy breath. "Go drink one of your special shakes."

Pyru's eyes shot to Parker going from a deep blue to a brilliant silver, he was tense in Danny's arms his muscles locking into predatory fighting stance, however the feel of Danny's arms around him calmed him, and though his eyes remained silver he exhaled and laid his head on danny's shoulders, unsure why everything in his mind was screaming to attack and defend but his body seem to be attuned to Danny and yearn for his protection and touch his arms go around danny, as he pears through his hair at parker "he is a Vetalas? but... he apears so tamed...." he speaks softly not with fear but curiosity, however he feels danny's cock on his and he began to become hard and nothing would stop it when they were practically embracing each other without thought he kissed Danny's neck but kept an eye on Parker, his orb having phased through the bag swirl above him and Danny glowing a soft shade of purple.

"is he not dangerous... in my country i am supposed to defend my people from Vetalas,however they are much more ravenous than he is" his butt is pressed agenst Parker's inner thighs before Parker moves to go off for his special drink, Pyru frowns watching him closely. his fight instincts still active and his mind still racing he looks up at Danny unaware his eyes have went into Hakim. "i am unfamiliar as to what to do in this situation...." he glances at Parker.

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