be there.

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i felt like making a neville/draco fanfic. so i made one. or at least started one. any ship name suggestions?

I quickly scribble a note to slip into Neville's bag at potions today. I spend a few minutes deciding what to write. I finally decide on: Longbottom. Be in the trophy room during the second task. And go alone without telling anyone, or you will most severely regret it.
~ Your Beloved Lover, Draco

Draco," says Blaise urgently, looking over my shoulder. "We have potions in a few minutes.

I yelp, and cover the note with my hand. "You didn't see a thing, Zabini. If you tell anyone--"

"Don't worry. I won't," Blaise says, smirking. I don't know what it is about him, but I trust him more than I trust everyone in the school combined. He knew me better than everyone I knew, and so I felt as if I could be myself around me. "Also, you may not want to threaten him. He may get scared. And don't use your name. He'll think it's a trap. He's less likely to think it's a trap if you sign with something like, 'Your Fellow Classmate.'"

I groan and crumble up the paper. Tossing it into the fire, I start walking up the stairs. I look around to make sure no one is around before questioning Zabini. "How long have you known?"

"You kidding me? Since, like, that whole broomstick and Rememberall incident."

I look at him in disbelief. "You've known since first year and haven't bothered to say a thing!" He shrugs. Our banter goes on for a while, until we finish the short walk from the common room up to the dungeons, where class has already started. Professed Snape (why does it keep auto-correcting to snaps?) raises and eyebrow at us, but doesn't question Blaise and me. He then goes back to subtracting points from Gryffindor because of Potter, Weasley, and Granger's tardiness.

While at my customary table with the idiotic buffoons Crabbe and Goyle, I start to wish I were sitting with Blaise or even Theo or Pansy. Those two gits are such a pain in the arse. They can't even manage to stir a cauldron without spilling the draught everywhere. I check to make sure no one is looking before cleaning up the table.

To my left, I start eavesdropping on Snape's incessant chiding of everything Neville does. "Look around at everybody else's draught, Longbottom. See, their potions are pink. Is your's pink Longbottom? No. I don't think so." Neville mumbles something about Goyle's potion being brown, which Snape chooses to ignore. "10 points from Gryffindor for your foolish work. You can start again from scratch. Evanesco." I shout back internally, wishing that my favourite teacher wasn't so hard on my favourite person in the world.

"But sir," Hermione intercepts, "He doesn't have enough time to let it--"

"Ten more points from Gryffindor, Granger. If you talk out of turn one more time, I'll make it thirty."

In a few minutes, the bell rings, and I ditch Crabbe and Goyle to catch up with Zabini before our next class.

i'm making snape sound like a terrible teacher. i don't like ruining his memory *cries for seconds* also, i just realised i have more works than follows *cries for minutes*

The Serpent's Lion - Draco x NevilleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя