Chapter 5

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Little Black Dress – One Direction


I was with the boys setting up the stage ready for our performance; I never normally got nervous about performing but the fact that Grace was coming to see me put me on edge. I was up most of last night writing a song, I never wrote songs on my own but Grace sparked something in me and the words just seemed to spill onto the page. I played it for the boys this morning and they loved it, thankfully none of them asked who it was about. Even though I felt something towards Grace I couldn’t risk anyone finding out, not even her. I had a reputation to uphold and liking the new fashion student on campus would surely crush that. Anyway, I didn’t exactly look her “type”...

I was just setting up the microphones when Louis spoke,

“Hey guys, that new girl, Grace, woah!” A smirk grew on his face, “I don’t know about any of you but I wreck that innocent little body of hers.” The rest of the boys just smiled at Louis remark. I on the other hand could feel my cheeks burning, my hand tightened around the microphone pole and it snapped in two. The thought of Louis even touching her skin fired something in me. This morning when our skin briefly touched electricity ran through me, her soft skin felt so pure against mine.

All of the boys turned to look at me and all of them held a confused expression.

“Sorry,” I stuttered “the um, the pole was loose and when I tried to tighten it, it broke.” They debated my explanation and thought nothing more about it. Thank God. I had to control my anger it had gotten in the way of my past many times and I have been trying so hard to control it recently. I grabbed a microphone pole and chucked the broken one away. Liam was setting up the chairs and Zayn was sorting out the sound system.

I loved being in a band, the load music, the friendship i had with the boys, the girls. Ever since i joined the band I had become more confident and I realised that music is what i wanted to do. After setting everything up I sat down on one of the chairs. I was going through the lyrics in my head when my phone vibrated:

*I see you put your number in my phone, Ruby and I are almost there, see you in 5, Grace.*

I lightly chuckled to myself as I remember contemplating whether to put my number in her phone when she left it at mine. Might as well, I thought as I typed my number into Grace’s phone. Smooth move Harry, I thought to myself smirking.


I can’t believe he put his number in my phone, I had asked Ruby for Harrys number to text him, letting him know we’d be at the bar soon, but discovered he’d already put it in my phone. Ruby and I were in my car and burst out laughing when I almost ran over an elderly lady. Driving was not my speciality. After 10 minutes in the car we pulled up to a large building with a “Dylan’s Bar and Grill” sign out the front. Ruby and I stepped out of the car and I locked the doors. We walked to the entrance of the bar and as we entered I was pleasantly surprised; there were about 15 tables set out, a bar and a stage with 5 microphones on it.

“Grace! Ruby!” a voice chimed. I looked to my left and saw Liam walking towards up. He hugged me, and then kissed Ruby on the cheek.

“Are you two, like, a thing?” I asked. Liam and Ruby looked at each other and then back at me.

“Yeah we are,” Liam said, a smile was spread across his face. I had to admit they did look good together. Liam was taller than Ruby and his arm fit comfortably around her waist. I always knew when people were in love; I spotted it in their eyes. From the looks of it Ruby and Liam were totally in love.

Liam led us to a table right at the front and got us some drinks (non – alcoholic for me since I was driving and couldn’t face another hangover tomorrow.) The bar opened in 10 minutes so Liam went round the back to do some last minute tweaks to their performance. I sat there with Ruby and she explained all about her and Liam’s relationship. They had known each other since they were little and dated a bit back in middle school. They hardly spoke in high school after Liam was expelled but gave their relationship another go after finding out they went to the same college. Two years later and they were still together.

I sat in awe at Ruby and she continued to say all of the cute things that Liam did for her; buying her flowers, surprise dates, he even bought her a Tiffany & Co ring which sat comfortably on her left middle finger, glistening under the lights. It wasn’t long before people started to pour through the doors, the atmosphere was great; i felt myself become more and more excited as the minutes passed, waiting to hear the song that Harry had written.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and five figures stood on the stage, each one behind their own microphone. Spotlights shone on them, blinding everyone for a split second followed by a few squeals coming from a group of girls in the back. My eyes were automatically drawn to Harry who was looking straight at me. He ran his fingers through his pushed back hair and smiled. He was wearing converses and a Rolling Stones tee alongside ripped black jeans, he looked hot.

I smiled and looked down at the table, the beat to the song started, Ruby looked at me and grabbed my hand, her eyes changed to look at Liam, and I could see a sense of pride wash over her. I looked back up again and saw harry begin to sing:

“Little black dress just walked into the room

Making heads turn can't stop looking at you

It's so right, it's so right, it's so right you know”

My jaw dropped as I listened to the lyrics. “Little black dress” It was me! I had a black dress on yesterday! Harry had met me yesterday! Goosebumps rose on my skin as I continued to listen to Harrys husky angelic voice, it captivated me.

“Grace, it’s you! The song Harry wrote is about you!” My face blushed a bright red as I tapped my foot along to the rest of the song; Harry kept eye contact with me throughout their show. The band played three more songs that were surprising catchy. Ruby had told me they were good but not this good! They were amazing! As their set drew to a close Liam thanked everyone for coming and the band left going backstage, Ruby quickly grabbed my hand and yanked me, following the boys behind the set.

( hey everyone, thank you so much for 150 reads, it means so much that people are actually reading and liking my chapters. i would love to hear what you think so post some ideas and stuff in the comments <3 ly all, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER: imaginaze1d)

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