Chapter 21

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COULSON, WARD AND HAYLEY walked into the conference room to joint Fitz, Simmons and May at the holo-table

"It appears Centipede is responsible for Mr. Chan's kidnapping" Coulson told them

"First L.A., now Hong Kong" Ward frowned "What kind of organization are we dealing with?"

"International, well-financed, interested in creating a super solider" Coulson answered, pulling up a map on the table in front of them "Let's hope finding Mr. Chan will provide some answers. Using the account information Mr. Lydon gave us, S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ believes he's being held here" he pointed to an area of the map

"Any ideas what Centipede wants with Chan?" May asked

"He's gifted. What else will Centipede could want him for?" Hayley crossed her arms

Fitz shrugged, pointing at Hayley "That's what Simmons was thinking. Considering he's pyrokinetic..."

Simmons nodded, sighing "There's a good chance his genetics could stabilize the Extremis element of the Centipede serum."

Fitz mimicked a bomb with his hands "Keep their test subjects from going..."

"Boom!" Simmons finished

"Typical" Hayley mumbled to herself "Use the man because he has powers"

"If Mr. Chan is Centipede's lab rat" Coulson told them, having not heard what Hayley said "We need to get there before the experiment's over"

They all walked out of the conference Room.


Ward and Hayley were in the garage of the bus, getting suited up and taking weapons for the mission

Coulson walked closed from behind them, looking at Ward "Agent May, Collins and I will be handling the field work. You stay and oversee the prisoners"

Coulson walked away

Ward looked after him in confusion, turning to Hayley

Hayley pursed her lips, shrugging "Don't look at me..."

Ward sighed, walking away after Coulson

Hayley shrugged to herself, finishing packing


They were now outside the building housing a lab from centipede where Mr. Chan was held captive

Coulson looked up at the building. May and Hayley behind him as well as Agent Kwan and other soldiers

"Building has five floors" Coulson told them. May walked away to find a way in "The first four are research. Fifth is listed as maintenance but uses half the building's energy"

"Either they're guarding the world's largest vacuum..." Kwan trailed off

Hayley looked between them, "Or that's where Mr. Chan's being held"

Coulson nodded, looking at Kwan "Send your 'B' and 'C' teams in through the tunnels to secure the lower floors. Warn them that the Centipede serum's highly explosive"

"Understood" Kwan told him "Where do we go in?"

Hayley looked ahead them, seeing May starting to climb up the wall "The roof" she told them walking around them about to climb, shooting a grappling hook to the sky so she could climb as well


Inside the building, May leads the way.

Coulson, Hayley and Kwan following behind as well one of Kwan's men

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